Tag Archives: 2003

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004


No Compromise


Security: Protecting Ourselves From Government Harassment

Numerous incidents show that government and industry harassment of the eco-animal movement exists. Last year, Syracuse activists were subpoenaed to testify at grand jury hearings. The break-ins at the North American A.L.F. Supporters Group in Canada, and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade’s (CAFT) headquarters in Memphis were obviously politically motivated as the thieves stole information and equipment crucial to their operations, while leaving other expensive goods behind. CAFT’s phone lines were tapped and information obtained from the bugged line lead to the subpoenaing of one CAFT activist to a grand jury in Michigan.

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Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.

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On the Mystical Basis of the “Neutrality” of Technology

There is an assumption popular among leftists and other radicals who still feel some attachment to the concept of progress or even to Marxian theoretical constructions that technology, as such, is neutral. The assumption is particularly amusing because those who hold it will accuse the critics of technology of having a mystical and ahistorical conception of it. What these apologists for technology claim is that the critics of technology promote “technological determinism”, making technology the central determining factor in social development, and thus losing sight of the social factor. They end up by proclaiming that the problems do not lie in the technological systems as such but in who manages them and in how they choose to utilize them.
Continue reading A FEW WORDS:

Op. Nottetempo, cade l’accusa di associazione sovversiva per i compagni imputati


Dal giornalaccio Lecceprima:

“Nottetempo”, cade per gli anarchici anti-Lodeserto l’accusa di associazione sovversiva
„LECCE – I giudici della quinta sezione della Corte di Cassazione hanno annullato con rinvio la condanna per associazione sovversiva e nel contempo è stata dichiarata la prescrizione di tutti gli altri reati. E’ l’ennesimo colpo di scena nel processo scaturito dall’“Operazione nottetempo”, scattata nel maggio del 2005 nei confronti di un gruppo di anarco-insurrezionalisti leccesi, tutti componenti del gruppo che, a partire dall’estate del 2003, aveva fatto parlare di sé per presunti attentati, danneggiamenti e scritte contro il sistema carcerario, i centri di accoglienza-permanenza e le multinazionali del petrolio e dell’abbigliamento.



Esta karta viene a ser una explikación de la situación en ke nos enkontramos produkto de la movilización ke venimos desarrollando desde hace 24 días y ke hoy pasa por un difícil y delikado momento; por ello es también una urgente llamada a intensifikar las muestras konkretas de solidaridad para kon esta kausa libertaria.

Opposing Repression: Conditioned Reflex or One’s Own Revolt?


A nasty wind is blowing, it’s useless to hide it. So nasty that a certain worry even spreads among the fine souls of the left, and the establishment of a “dictatorship” by the current government is denounced in an increasingly vehement manner. It is true, on the right they have never forgotten their traditional inclination for castor oil and the cudgel, but the fact remains that repression, censure and prohibition are the bread that every form of government administers to us, no matter what it is. In reality, beyond the political faction momentarily charged with administering it, it is this one-way world that requires a one-way life, made from a one-way thought and one-way behavior… in an authentic coherence of abjection. Up to the point of placing a ban on any critique, any dissent, any opposition, all of which are punctually isolated, circumscribed, slandered, suffocated, locked up, wherever they show themselves.
Continue reading Opposing Repression: Conditioned Reflex or One’s Own Revolt?

Libertad a los presos del 2 de octubre A un año de las detenciones de Mario y Abraham… ¡No olvidamos!


Muy pronto será 2 de octubre nuevamente. De nueva cuenta saldremos a las calles a recordar la matanza del 68. Pero este año además saldremos a exigir la libertad de los presos políticos detenidos el dos de octubre de 2003.
Continue reading Libertad a los presos del 2 de octubre A un año de las detenciones de Mario y Abraham… ¡No olvidamos!

Grecia. Información sobre la detención del compañero Nikos Maziotis


Desde el 2003, la guerrilla urbana “Lucha Revolucionaria” a realizado distintos ataques explosivos y armados contra el Estado y el Capital en Grecia, desde una tendencia anarco-comunista y una visión de revolución social en su proyección política. En Marzo del 2010 tras un enfrentamiento armado con la policía luego de intentar expropiar un auto cae abatido el compañero Lambros Foundas, se expande el cerco represivo contra los compañeros y finalmente en Abril del 2010 la policía realiza múltiples allanamientos consiguiendo procesar a varios compañeros quedando 5 en prisión, de los cuales Nikos, Pola y Kostas asumen responsabilidad política de pertenecer a Lucha Revolucionaria.

Continue reading Grecia. Información sobre la detención del compañero Nikos Maziotis



El presente trabajo fue realizado por colectivos automos con el fin de dar a conocer actividades y jornadas realizadas durante el período del año 2002, con la idea de aportar a la lucha diaria por la libertad de todxs lxs prisionerxs politikxs chilenxs y mapuches con este video queremos dar a conocer de que los medios de incomunicación por ende: fascistas no son una ayuda.
Continue reading EL CONTRAINFORMADOR (2003)

Winning the War, Losing the Peace: Ecological Revolution Flounders on Bougainville (2003)


With a population of only 160,000 Bougainville has managed to close and keep closed one of the biggest copper mines in the world. Despite having to fight the Australian-armed Papua New Guinea (PNG) army, they have held their ground for twelve years with home made guns made out of water piping and planks, scavenged mine trucks and petrol made from coconuts.
Continue reading Winning the War, Losing the Peace: Ecological Revolution Flounders on Bougainville (2003)