Tag Archives: 2004

The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)



What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.

Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
Continue reading The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004


No Compromise


Security: Protecting Ourselves From Government Harassment

Numerous incidents show that government and industry harassment of the eco-animal movement exists. Last year, Syracuse activists were subpoenaed to testify at grand jury hearings. The break-ins at the North American A.L.F. Supporters Group in Canada, and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade’s (CAFT) headquarters in Memphis were obviously politically motivated as the thieves stole information and equipment crucial to their operations, while leaving other expensive goods behind. CAFT’s phone lines were tapped and information obtained from the bugged line lead to the subpoenaing of one CAFT activist to a grand jury in Michigan.

Continue reading Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004

Statement of Solidarity with ‘Il Silvestre’ (2004)

Green Anarchist abhors the arrest of the fellow-writers and revolutionaries of ‘Il Silvestre’, Italy, a call to action. Whether bogus or not, the Italian judiciary’s constant resort to conspiratorial theorems from the fascist (Mussolini) era to both exercise and excuse political repression is a direct attack on supposed freedoms of association and expression. As it is, these theorems are bogus, absurdly linking ‘Il Silvestre’ to Marxist-Leninist groups in an astounding display of either crass expediency or political illiteracy on the part of the examining judge. Never has the axiom that ‘terror is but one extension of statecraft’ been better illustrated, nor the need for free information and revolutionary / societal self-defence from such abuses. Of course, in court fire must be fought with fire (law), but these issues are never decided there.

Continue reading Statement of Solidarity with ‘Il Silvestre’ (2004)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.

Order Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights online

Prisoners of Power – Laudelino Iglesias Martinez


Prisoners of power

I believe that all prisoners of the world are produced by power and are hostages of power.
Strength, authority, brutality, assassinations, genocide, oppression, slavery, exploitation, destruction, torture, mistreatment,
the sadistic delight in pain, racism, violation, money, corruption and abuse are examples of what is power. The same power that’s
disguised as the absolute truth, as religion, as democracy, as other authoritarian systems, which continue their existence and
the government of our lives.
Power is an enemy of solidarity and freedom, that is why it is our enemy. An enemy that we need to fight until it has disappeared,
because it keeps us all like prisoners and it is destroying humanity as well as our planet.
Prisons are the power’s camps of concentration, exploitation and extermination. They are power’s most cruel spaces, were
torture, mistreatments and assassinations are their basic principles.
Prisons are the worst environment for the fight against power. The main fight of prisoners is the fight for the respect of human
dignity. In prison, they destroy you as a person and they even get away from you any lust for living.
Fighting inside prison is very difficult, but I believe that it is important to fight in those spaces. Fighting inside prison gives you
strengh to continue living, or at least to die fighting power and defending solidarity and freedom.
That is why I am against prisons, because I am against power.
A revolutionary hug

Laudelino Iglesias Martinez

Ex-prisoner of the F.I.E.S isolation units in Spain

6 años sin ti: Xose Tarrio González

6 años sin ti Xose Tarrio González

Se cumplen cinco años de que Xosè Tarrio Gonzalez, muere de cárcel, nuestro compañero permanece en la memoria de l@s anarquistas.

Hoy, 2 de enero de 2010, se cumplen 5 años de la muerte de nuestro hermano Xosé Tarrio, compañero anarquista, secuestrado por el Estado a los 16 años, de los cuales diez los pasa en aislamiento.
Continue reading 6 años sin ti: Xose Tarrio González



Estratti da un dossier su Marco Camenisch.

La breve cronologia ragionata che segue è parte di un più ampio dossier che ricostruisce più organicamente il percorso politico di Marco Camenisch e sviluppa alcune considerazioni sulla pratica della solidarietà. La criminalizzazione della solidarietà a Marco è un fatto evidente. L’attività di sostegno, proprio perché è stata costante, attiva e diffusa ha seriamente minato la strategia dell’isolamento. Certamente il fatto che l’azione diretta, connaturata alla lotta ecologista-radicale, non sia mai stata soggetta ad una delegittimazione politica, ha contribuito alla continuità e alla compattezza della “campagna” di partigiana complicità con Marco, senza che questa catena di solidarietà si spezzasse.

Si, ma cosa volete in fondo? (2004) it/es/fr/de


Questo numero di Adesso sarà diverso dagli altri. Tenteremo di rispondere a una domanda che ci viene rivolta spesso: “Sì, ma cosa volete in fondo?”. Più d’uno si stupirà forse di un taglio così generale proprio in questo momento, con la repressione che incalza, con gli ultimi arresti di anarchici a Trento e gli altri in tutta Italia. Certo le cose da dire su tutto ciò non ci mancano, e le diremo al più presto. Ormai anche i ciechi dovrebbero essersi accorti di come il potere stia colpendo in modo sempre più aperto ogni forma di dissenso.
Continue reading Si, ma cosa volete in fondo? (2004) it/es/fr/de