Tag Archives: 2008

Texts from Eric McDavid

eric blue flannel small(2)

From an Update on 7/19/07

A visualization from Eric:
the locomotive has made it’s way and passed over the summit. now, it’s momentum is kinetic as it crosses the valley below… throughout the journey, this train has been guided by rails woven of the love and support of family both large and small… not too far off in the distance, is the place where the mountains gave passage to the river on it’s way to the sea; this is the convergence point to which the rails lead. a sphere of crystalline light is tucked into those folds of green; therein, the image of the judge is reading off a piece of paper = the
verdict of not-guilty……..

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Madrid / Piden 81 años de cárcel a 18 manifestantes antifascistas.


Tras un largo y costoso proceso, el juicio contra 18 de los 25 detenidos el 28 de marzo de 2009 en Vallecas se celebrará entre los días 9 y 30 de enero en la macrosala del Juzgado de lo Penal 21 de Madrid. Las penas que pide la Fiscalía oscilan entre los dos años de prisión para seis de los acusados, cuatro años para otros cinco y hasta siete años para los restantes siete imputados por delitos de desórdenes públicos, atentado a la autoridad, daños y lesiones. Estas peticiones de prisión van acompañadas de una multa que asciende a 108.000 euros, y otros 10.000 euros en concepto de responsabilidad civil reclamados por la Dirección General de la Policía y la Guardia Civil, Gas Natural, Iber­caja, Banco Santander, Caixa Cata­lunya y Caixanova.
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The Nature of the Left


The Green Anarchy Collective

Marx considered industry the “open book of human essential forces.” Nowhere on the Left is this formulation refuted. Its origins, logic, destination are taken for granted. We find here, in fact, a core assumption that unites leftists: that the means of production/technology should be progressively developed, its reach always extended. This notion is very close to the heart of the modern conception of progress. All of life must yield to its imperative.

Domination of nature and domestication are in no way problematic for the Left. Leftists fail to notice that this accounts, in a fundamental way, for the Left’s sorry record in practice concerning both the natural world and the individual.

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On Sabotage: Considered as one of the fine arts (en/it/fr/de) 2008


You’d have to be really blind not to see sabotage as the classical weapon of the exploited.
And you’d have to have a pretty short memory to forget that in every social war, a
rebel refuses to wait for everyone to move before expressing his or her anger.

From the riots of November 2005 to the CPE riots of spring 2006, from factory occupations
and kidnappings of directors to the numerous acts of sabotage during the railway
workers’ movement of November 2007, it’s clear for a lot of people that we won’t have
an end to our situation of misery and exploitation by begging for it.
In this prison society, we’re expected to believe we’re in the best of possible worlds:
commodity democracy. And they try to force us to believe it with tazer shocks and ballots.
The wars and the poisoning of the planet for money are nonetheless a clear reminder that
capitalism is a death-dealing system and that the State is not a friend, but an enemy.
Continue reading On Sabotage: Considered as one of the fine arts (en/it/fr/de) 2008

Why we want the destruction of retention centers [en/it/fr/ru]



Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication “Non Fides”, translated
from the french. It was distributed in french cities and in front of the Vincennes
retention center which was burnt down after the revolt of its prisoners.
A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in french) is a prison
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Weichafe Matías Catrileo y el Newen Mapuche


Matías Valentín Catrileo Quezada, nació el 11 de septiembre de 1984 y fue asesinado cobardemente por un gope de carabineros de nombre Walter Ramírez el 3 de enero de 2008.

Matías era  estudiante de la Universidad de la Frontera en Temuco y murió tras recibir impactos de proyectiles por la espalda,  mientras participaba en la ocupación dentro de los procesos de recuperaciones de tierras, del fundo “Santa Margarita”, del agricultor Jorge Luchsinger, latifundista colonialista de la zona.
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