When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.
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Tag Archives: 2012
Cochabamba, Bolivia: Reseña de la presentación del libro “Entrenamiento Físico en condiciones de Aislamiento”
Cada ser vivo ha ido desarrollando mecanismos de defensa, en la sociedad civilizada y autoritaria esos mecanismos mutan a la necesidad de defendernos del opresor, en la naturaleza existen especies depredadoras, sin embargo, la humana está cegada por la codicia, por la ambición, por las relaciones de poder, si existe esa conformación del sistema, en vez de agachar la cabeza mejor prepararnos para el combate permanente a todo nivel, de lo individual a lo colectivo, nos queda avanzar y no estancarnos en el miedo y la paranoia, siempre recordando el 29 de mayo de 2012 como un acontecimiento más que demuestra que la represión también existe en un Estado gobernado por indígenas burgueses, un acontecimiento que nos ha fortalecido y separado de las luchas jipis y plataformistas.
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[Genova] Presidio in solidarietà con Carlo accusato di istigazione a commettere atti di terrorismo
Genova:contributo in vista dell’udienza per 414c.p.
Il 24 maggio si terrà il processo ad un compagno di Genova accusato di istigazione a commettere reati,con l’aggravante di finalità di terrorismo(art. 414 cp)per un suo scritto solidale con gli autori dell’attacco all’AD di Ansaldo Nucleare, Adinolfi .di seguito il contributo in vista dell’udienza di alcuni anarchici genovesi solidali .
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Black & Pink Newspaper (Prison Abolition Now!)
The Black and Pink Newspaper has been distributed free of charge to a rapidly growing list of LGBTQ prisoners around the country since 2010! In October 2015, it was sent to over 8,200 prisoners. Each issue is full of submissions from our incarcerated members, along with relevant news, history, and opinions from the free world and a letter from Rev. Jason Lydon. We recently included a calendar so that prisoners in solitary confinement can keep track of which day it is. Periodically, the newspaper includes a form for prisoners to update their PenPal listing. Each month, we ask prisoners to reply to a feedback question via mail to inform our organizing efforts.
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Represión Económica Contra Participantes De La Última Marcha A La Cárcel De Teixeiro
La represión económica contra lxs solidarixs que acuden a la Marcha a la Prisión de Teixeiro es la tónica habitual, desgraciadamente, desde ya hace muchos años. En un primer momento las multas cayeron de manera indiscriminada entre todxs lxs participantes (como en el 2009, 2010 o 2011). Pero cuando la legalización de la convocatoria o la falta de hechos sancionables les impidió la represión económica de los participantes en la protesta por motivaciones políticas, los picoletos no dudaron en recurrir las infracciones de trafico para cumplir su objetivo sancionador e intimidatorio. Ya en el año 2012 recurían a idéntico procedimento, sólo que en aquella ocasión multaron a los coches por estacionar en el arcen (y al de la megafonía, que estaba en medio de la mani, por obstruir la visibilidad en una curva peligrosa!!!) y ahora son multas por cambiar de sentido en lugar indebido.
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Boletim Acção Directa
Boletim informativo do Colectivo Libertário Évora
Why is a Fascist Publishing House Releasing Books by Goldman, Berkman, and Kropotkin?
For anyone that has been looking at the problem of creeping fascism in the U.S. and Europe, National-Anarchism has become an entryist tool for the far right to move into otherwise far-left anarchist movements. National-Anarchism, a term coined by nationalist activist Troy Southgate, sees a form of “anarchism” where autonomous communities are created on the basis of things like race, ideology, or sexual orientation. Generally, they mix deep ecology and some post-left and anti-state politics with ultra-conservative social views, racial separatism, and a violent anti-Semitism. They attempt to appropriate anarchist symbols, organizing styles, and social structures, and you’ll often see them attempt to join in the black block at protests. There have been incidents over the years in the United States with National-Anarchist organizations attempting to gain entry into anarchist projects. The National Anarchist Tribal Alliance(NATA) of New York has made a fuss after being kicked out of the New York Anarchist Bookfair, as well as the now-defunct Bay Area National Anarchist(BANA) being booted out of San Francisco based events and attacked at actions. BANA tried to make a name for itself protesting the movie Machete, saying that it was anti-white, as well as protesting immigration and doing talks on the importance of “tribe.” Several National-Anarchists have joined things like the Traditionalist Youth Network and the Traditionalist Workers Party in California, joining together with classic Christian racists like Matthew Heimbach and Matt Parrot to develop a violent anti-immigrant movement.
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(Material de difusión) Fanzine “La China Vive en la Lucha!”
Sobre el caso de las 9 compas presas asesinadas desde 2009 al 2012 en el Complejo Penitenciario de Ezeiza, Buenos Aires.