In the spring of 2015, the “Tavern de Thor” (Thor’s Tavern) established a base in Combre-sous-les-Côtes (55). These are premises intended to be used to hold organized activities, conferences and concerts for the international neo-Nazi group the Hammerskins. They are both racist and violent. In 2013, members of this group knifed a Senegalese man in the middle of downtown Metz simply because he was black.
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Tag Archives: 2013
Soutien à Zapzalap !
Zapzalap est une émission diffusée sur Radio Campus Lille depuis septembre 2009.
Dédiée à la critique sociale, c’est chaque semaine une heure consacrée à un thème, travaillé, monté et pré-enregistré collectivement.
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Il calendario dell’Appello
Sono davvero molti i solidali che questa mattina si sono incontrati nel piazzale antistante l’Aula Bunker per salutare Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Niccolò e mostrare, se ce ne fosse ancora bisogno, la propria solidarietà a chi ha compiuto il sabotaggio al cantiere di Chiomonte del maggio 2013.
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Con la destinazione finale i nostri demoni interiori…
41 bis
Comunicato per l’inizio del processo d’appello
No Tav liberi! Terrorista è chi devasta e saccheggia
Il 15 ottobre comincia il processo d’appello contro Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Nicolò, condannati in primo grado a tre anni e mezzo per il sabotaggio al cantiere della Maddalena del 14 maggio 2013. Quell’angolo di Val Susa è una fortezza con truppe ed armi da guerra. Quella notte l’imponente apparato di sicurezza venne colto alla sprovvista. Un compressore prese fuoco.
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Italia: Billy, Costa y Silvia enviadxs de nuevo a juicio (es/it/en)
El 17 de julio del 2015 se desarrolló en Turín la audiencia preliminar contra Silvia Guerini, Costantino Ragusa y Billy Bernasconi. Lxs tres compas fueron detenidxs el 15 de abril del 2010 por la policía suiza que, registrando su coche, encontró materiales explosivos y panfletos que reivindicaban un inminente sabotaje firmado por “Earth Liberation Front Switzerland” (Frente de Liberación Animal de Suiza) contra un centro de investigación, en fase de construcción, sobre nanotecnologías de IBM en Ruschlikon (cantón de Zúrich). Fueron procesadxs de actos preparativos de incendio, transporte ilegal y ocultación de material explosivo, y condenadxs el 22 de julio del 2011, Costa a 3 años y 8 meses, Billy a 3 años y 6 meses, y Silvia a 3 años y 4 meses.
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Italy: Billy, Costa and Silvia sent to trial again
On July 17th 2015, the preliminary hearing against Silvia Guerini, Costantino ‘Costa’ Ragusa and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi took place in Turin, Italy. The three have been previously arrested and jailed for several years in Switzerland, accused of having organised an act of sabotage against a nanotechnology research centre of IBM, under construction at the time. On April 15th 2010, they were stopped and arrested by Swiss police who searched their car and found explosives, as well as leaflets claiming the imminent action under the name ‘Earth Liberation Front Switzerland’.
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Tough sentences announced to Brest antifascists
A verdict was delivered today in the case of Brest antifascists acused of participation in a group fight with neonazis which happened on May 8, 2013.
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Russian antifascist injured after a nazi attack – support needed (en/es)
Hello, my name is Oleg Serebrennikov. I’m 32 years old and I’ve been anti-fascist and socialist over the last 15 years, so I am one of the few people who was at the origin of the anti-fascist movement in Izhevsk.