Time is money. If we were to throw all the money in the world into an unrestrainable fire, would time then stop? Would everything turn into stone, would a steadfast eternity defy the winds? Or would everything be reduced to ashes and it would only be a matter of minutes before all these ashes would be scattered in all directions, becoming invisible? Would the provoked movement be such that time would have no more grip, and could not do anything more than powerlessly assist the unfolding of events?
To live means to struggle. Strange to think about the amount of people that would agree with this, each one giving it their own meaning. Yet… the alarm-clock rings and jolts us into the ring, we try to remember but actually, we no longer know whether, in the meantime, we ever quit this ring. Struggling against time. The thought of being able to win keeps us on the ring, little does it matter at which point the stage starts becoming disfigured. The rules are fixed, and to all of those who pay attention to the rules, they’ve learned that endurance is their best asset.
Continue reading In struggle against time (2012)
Tag Archives: belgium
[Bruxelles] Solidarité avec Marco Camenisch !
Ce 22 juin, nous avons tagué l’immeuble du 15 rue Guimard, à 1040 Bruxelles, d’un MARCO LIBERO !
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Paris: Eiffage vehicle ablaze (en/fr)
The night of June 14th, East street, an Eiffage utility vehicle went up in smoke. Because they are building prisons.
Solidarity with comrades in Brussels who struggle against prison.
Build cages, harvest our rage!
Source: Nantes Indymedia
[Paris] Eiffage en feu
La nuit du 14 juin, rue de l’est, un utilitaire d’Eiffage est parti en fumée. Parce qu’ils construisent des prisons.
Solidarité avec les compagnons de Bruxelles qui luttent contre la prison.
Construit des cages, recolte notre rage!
Soirée de soutien au collectif GETTING THE VOICE OUT
Au Ritabaga à Liernu le 4 juillet
Concerts :
René Binamé
Emma Pils
Nasty Candy & Coco Lipstick
+ 1 groupe surprise
Continue reading Soirée de soutien au collectif GETTING THE VOICE OUT
3 juli (Gent) – Discussie over de strijd tegen de bouw van een maxi-gevangenis in Brussel
Volgende week vrijdag 3 juli vanaf 19u in het Anarchistisch Centrum (Sparrestraat 1A, Gent) :
Discussie omtrent de strijd tegen de bouw van een maxi-gevangenis in Haren (Brussel) + Vegan stoverij en streekbieren
Continue reading 3 juli (Gent) – Discussie over de strijd tegen de bouw van een maxi-gevangenis in Brussel
La merda ama stare vicino alla merda
Contro la maxi-prigione, i suoi difensori ed i suoi falsi critici
Belgium: “The maxi-prison won’t be built on our resignation”
The building work for the construction of a maxi-prison in Brussels, the biggest in the country, is due to start. It will be erected in Haren, in the northern suburbs of the city, not far from the NATO headquarters. A struggle has been going on for years against this great repressive enterprise by those who don’t conceal their hatred of authority in any form: leaflets, posters, books, videos, wild demos, occupations, concerts, meetings, talks… have all contributed to creating and spreading a hostility that has gone beyond words to materialize in dozens and dozens of direct actions.
Continue reading Belgium: “The maxi-prison won’t be built on our resignation”
Affinità, organizzazione informale e progetti insurrezionali
[Bruselas] Archipiélago: Afinidad, organización informal y proyectos insurreccionales
Tomado de: Salto – subversión & anarquia, numero 2, noviembre del 2012 (Bruselas), y traducido de la versión en inglés
Traductora: compañera anónima
Edición: Sin retorno ediciones y distro anarquista, México
Pincha en la portada para leer/descargar el folleto:
Belgium: “Sabotage”, text from anarchist bulletin Ricochets
1. (noun) Illegal act, usually violent, of interference, destruction, aimed at rendering unworkable production, civil or military installations.
2. (noun) Manipulation, acts aimed at the disorganization or failure of a business or project.
3. (noun) Material act aimed at preventing the normal functioning of a service
Continue reading Belgium: “Sabotage”, text from anarchist bulletin Ricochets