Tag Archives: Duval Clement

A Letter from Mazas Prison


Clément Duval  (1886)


Although I am not well known to you, you know that I am an anarchist. I am writing this letter to you to protest against the insanities that must have leaked out about me in particular and about the anarchists in general in all different kinds of newspapers which joined together to say, when I was arrested, that I was an ex-convict and had already been convicted of theft. As if you could call someone a thief who was a worker who had nothing but misery whereas for me theft does not exist except in the exploitation of man by man, in short, in the existence of everyone who lives at the expense of the producing class.

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A Letter from Mazas Prison


Clément Duval

Although I am not well known to you, you know that I am an anarchist. I am writing this letter to you to protest against the insanities that must have leaked out about me in particular and about the anarchists in general in all different kinds of newspapers which joined together to say, when I was arrested, that I was an ex-convict and had already been convicted of theft. As if you could call someone a thief who was a worker who had nothing but misery whereas for me theft does not exist except in the exploitation of man by man, in short, in the existence of everyone who lives at the expense of the producing class.
Here is why and how I committed the offense that they call theft.
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Il problema del furto. Clément Duval


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Clément Duval nasce nella regione della Sarthe, in Francia, nel 1850. Il 17 ottobre 1886 viene arrestato a Parigi. Nel corso dell’arresto colpisce con diversi colpi di coltello l’ispettore Rossignol. Il 12 gennaio è condannato a morte dalla Corte d’assise.
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A Letter from Mazas Prison


Clément Duval

Although I am not well known to you, you know that I am an anarchist. I am writing this letter to you to protest against the insanities that must have leaked out about me in particular and about the anarchists in general in all different kinds of newspapers which joined together to say, when I was arrested, that I was an ex-convict and had already been convicted of theft. As if you could call someone a thief who was a worker who had nothing but misery whereas for me theft does not exist except in the exploitation of man by man, in short, in the existence of everyone who lives at the expense of the producing class.
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“BeznAchAlie – Senza Autorità” n.2: aperiodico anarchico individualista da Rovereto




in allegato l’inserto a Beznachalie n.2 – 2014

La Rivolta a Portata di Mano – Clement Duval (edizioni Il Culmine-1992)

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Je suis l’ennemi de la propriété individuelle – Clément Duval


Le 12 janvier 1887, le jury de la Seine condamne Clément Duval, un serrurier de 37 ans, à la peine de mort. Membre fondateur du groupe La Panthère des Batignolles, il a cambriolé le 4 octobre 1886 un hôtel particulier de la rue Monceau, y a dérobé pour quinze mille francs d’argenterie et de bijoux avant d’y mettre le feu. Le 17 octobre, les agents de la Sûreté tentent de s’emparer de lui alors qu’il se rend chez un receleur.
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Le problème du vol : Clément Duval


NOTE: Ce texte est originellement de Alfredo M. Bonanno. Le texte fut légèrement adapté et publié dans Salto, subversion & anarchie, n°3, septembre 2013 (Bruxelles)


Clément Duval est né dans la Sarthe en 1850. Le 17 octobre 1886, il est arrêté à Paris. Lors de son arrestation, il blesse le brigadier Rossignol de plusieurs coups de couteau. Le 12 janvier de l’année suivante, la Cours d’Assises le condamne à mort.

Duval faisait partie du groupe « La Panthère des Batignolles », des compagnons qui se dédiaient à la « propagande par le fait », une thèse anarchiste prépondérante à l’époque.
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