Tag Archives: interview

Passion for Freedom – AudioZine


Passion for Freedom : An Interview with Jean Weir –Read – Imposed – Torrent – Archive – YouTube

Originally published in issue 8 of the magazine 325. , this interview with Jean Weir (of Insurrection magazine and Elephant Editions) features a critical and humble reflection on prison, insurrection, and anarchist publishing.

“We must never forget that — beyond the anecdotes and reminiscences, prison consists of so many reinforced boxes that millions of people all over the world are locked up in day and night. The latter are hostages of the State and live at the mercy of a hierarchy of vile cowards 24 hours a day.”

Interview with the World’s First Army of Women: YJA-STAR


Question: What is the story behind YJA-STAR and Kurdish women’s self-defence battalions?

Though the name YJA-Star was adopted in 2004, the process towards the militarization of women had begun much earlier. The deep contradiction within the sociological reality of Kurdistan and the strong participation of female comrades in the revolution has caused the issue of women’s liberation to incrementally become a pressing matter that is just as important as the national issue. Entrenching the militarizing qualities and the authenticity of the women’s organization as well as ensuring it’s emergence upon genuine demands had been of great importance. “When the revolution succeeds, women will also be emancipated”; at no point such a phrase was invoked. Concerning the woman issue, it has been quite clear that emancipation would only be achieved through the very own ideas, organizations and actions of the women themselves. Concerning this issue, since the self-revelation of women’s self-power is of capital importance, the militarization of women was constituted as a necessity.
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Interview of comrade Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis (Greece)


The hearing for the appeal of anarchist comrade George Voutsis-Vogiatzis, arrested for bank robbery, was set for June 7th, 2010 but was postponed for May 6th, 2011. Here’s a translated interview he gave to the newspaper “Proto Thema” on May 9th 2010

The tragic account of the march last Wednesday counts three deaths, among them a pregnant woman, which with other victims were locked inside Marfin bank. Murders attributed to the anarchists Molotov…

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Tandis que Syriza continue d’exercer le pouvoir dans une coalition avec un parti de la droite dure (ANEL) malgré des attaques anarchistes répétées, comme à l’occasion du mouvement massif des prisonniers révolutionnaires contre les prisons de Type C, les prisonniers anarchistes continuent de foutre le bordel et de se révolter, avec un appui massif dans les rues de toute la Grèce. Nikos est aujourd’hui l’un des emblèmes de cette période complexe et agitée, et d’une partie du mouvement anarchiste qui se refuse à reculer face au bulldozer Syriza ou à céder aux sirènes du populisme.

Anarchist Claudio Lavazza’s contribution to the days of solidarity and resistance in Athens


from refractario, transl. waronsociety:

Claudio Lavazza’s contribution to the “Days of Resistance and Solidarity” held March 26-28 in Athens organized by the Assembly of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Imprisoned and Accused Fighters. The compañero remains imprisoned in the dungeons of the Spanish state since 1996, arrested after a bank robbery which left two police dead.

And More Info here


Dear compañerxs!

Before talking about long term sentences, of the past state of European prisons, of the changes that have been made in the last few years, of the actual situation, of the experiences of struggle, of solidarity movements, of special imprisonment regimens, of anti-terrorist legislation, and objectives of the movement… I think it is best to talk of my experience of almost 20 years in prison. Unfortunately those who live outside of these walls do not have the necessary information to really understand this reality, and it is not their fault, but due to the difficulty of talking about things of such complexity and difficult analysis.
Continue reading Anarchist Claudio Lavazza’s contribution to the days of solidarity and resistance in Athens

Interview with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos (Greece)


Tell us a little bit about what has happened concerning the academic leave of absence you have demanded within the new judicial framework after your hunger strike in November-December 2014.

It goes like this: I completed 1/3 of the course as required by the new regulation and I made the request for educational leave. From that point on began the theater of the absurd. The prison board decided that the new regulation cannot be put into effect, it requires a joint ministerial decision and so it sent the request to the special appellate magistrate E. Nikopoulos, in line with the previous law. Nikopoulos issued a negative response because there is no ministerial decision and one cannot get into the merits of the application as the new judicial framework annuls and takes the place of the prior one. Based on the negative opinion of Nikopoulos, the Board rejected the leave request in its turn as the decision of the trial judge is binding.
Continue reading Interview with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos (Greece)

Entrevista con lxs familiares de Juan y Nataly durante la huelga de hambre


El día lunes recién pasado grabamos una entrevista en audio con los familiares de juan y naty: Juan Flores padre y Gertrudis Casanova, hermana de Naty. En la entrevista nos relatan las condiciones de la huelga de hambre de los compañeros; algunos detalles de los brutales allanamientos efectuados por la policía aquel día 18 de septiembre del año pasado; nos hablan también del continuo hostigamiento y ensañamiento de gendarmería y el estado en contra del círculo cercano de los compas; hablan también de las razones por las cuales el compa Enrique es encarcelado, así como también del papel de “buitres” que ha jugado la prensa oficial
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The Resilience of the Wild: Talking and Stalking Wolves with Rod Coronado



The Resilience of the Wild:

Stalking and Talking Wolves with Rod Coronado.

Rod Coronado should need no introduction. In the history of the Earth and Animal Liberation movements, fewer have left a bigger footprint. Be it sinking whalers with the Sea Shepard, taking part in Operation Bite Back (one of the first ALF campaigns to use arson as a tactic and focus on wild animals), a legacy of hunt sabs, being a Yaqui warrior, getting thrown back in Federal prison over Facebook friends, and now protecting wolves, Rod has quite the legacy. I’ve often said that while I don’t believe in heroes, Rod is as close as they get. If you need a reminder of why, he is also the author of Memories of Freedom, which I consider to be required reading.
Continue reading The Resilience of the Wild: Talking and Stalking Wolves with Rod Coronado