“Kaltland schreibt ein Sommermärschen” – Anlässlich der, sich zuspitzenden Pogromstimmung und dem staatlichen Willen Geflüchtete noch effektiver abschieben zu können, ist es nötig Widerstand und Gegenkultur zu bilden. Die North-East Antifa [NEA] und der WB13-Club aus dem Berliner Nordosten veröffentlichen darum ein HipHop-Mixtape zum Thema. Continue reading NO NATION! – HipHop-Mixtape 2015 erschienen→
The Dark Skies Above Us Collective has released three benefit albums of “anti-NSBM” (National Socialist Black Metal) bands. Each album is a benefit for a great cause: an anti-fascist’s medical bills, the post-release fund for former environmental prisoner Eric McDavid, and funds for the families of the 43 students murdered in Guerrero, Mexico. Each of them is available as a digital download by donation (and vol. 1 also as a cassette).
Shekhovtsov suggests that there are two types of radical right-wing music that are cultural reflections of the two different political strategies that fascism was forced to adopt in the ‘hostile’ conditions of the post-war period. While White Noise music is explicitly designed to inspire racially or politically motivated violence and is seen as part and parcel of the revolutionary ultra-nationalist subculture, he suggests that ‘metapolitical fascism’ has its own cultural reflection in the domain of sound, namely, apoliteic music. This is a type of music whose ideological message contains obvious or veiled references to the core elements of fascism but is simultaneously detached from any practical attempts to realize these elements through political activity. Apoliteic music neither promotes outright violence nor is publicly related to the activities of radical right-wing political organizations or parties. Nor can it be seen as a means of direct recruitment to any political tendency. Shekhovtsov’s article focuses on this type of music, and the thesis is tested by examining bands and artists that work in such musical genres as Neo-Folk and Martial Industrial, whose roots lie in cultural revolutionary and national folk traditions. Continue reading Apoliteic music: Neo-Folk, Martial Industrial and ‘metapolitical fascism’→
[Puj] Nella Germania comunista di fine anni ’70 l’esistenza di un adolescente è piatta come le distese di cemento che lastricano la sua città. Noia, e soprattutto, assenza di alternative: un solo canale tv, una sola stazione radio e una sola musica: quella dei dischi dall’Amiga, la casa discografica di stato, il cui catalogo comprende una serie di popstar di regime (celebrità assolute nei paesi della cortina di ferro, mai sentite nominare nel resto del mondo) e ristampe dei dischi occidentali più stupidi, epurati da ogni elemento di decadenza capitalista.La Freie Deutsche Jugend (la Libera Gioventù Tedesca) é l’organizzazione giovanile della DDR, alla quale sono iscritti tre giovani su quattro di età inclusa tra i 14 e i 25 anni; ci si può anche non iscrivere, però poi si va male a scuola, si hanno casini sul lavoro e si viene esclusi da tutto. A rallegrare gli animi, raggiunta la maggiore età, c’é poi il servizio militare obbligatorio nella National Volksarmee, l’Esercito del Popolo. Insomma, una noia colossale, ma soprattutto la sensazione, da far mancare il respiro, di sentirsi chiusi in trappola.