Tag Archives: pamphlet


Animal Liberation Through Direct Action – (Date of publication unknown, likely 1998. Country of origin unknown, likely England)

Animal Liberation Through Direct Action was one of the better primers available in the 1990s. Designed for activists who had never before participated in illegal actions, the pamphlet discusses the basic security, surveillance, and planning necessary to carry out liberations and economic sabotage. It also includes a brief history of the movement, a first hand account of a mink farm raid, and statements from various ALF cells.

Golpear donde duela, Ted Kaczynski


1. El propósito de este artículo

El propósito de este artículo es señalar un principio muy simple del conflicto humano, un principio que los oponentes del sistema tecnoindustrial parecen pasar por alto. El principio es que en cualquier forma de conflicto, si quieres ganar, tienes que golpear a tu adversario donde le duela.
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Solidarity with the 5E3

Letters from Insurgent Comrades Imprisoned in Mexico

English | Size: Letter (8.5×11″) | Format: PDF

Cartas de companeros anarquistas apresados en Mexico

Spanish | Size: Letter (8.5×11″) | Format: PDF

Updates on the situation of Amelie, Carlos, and Fallon can be found on SabotageMedia (En/Fr/Esp), and Fuego a las Carcelas (Esp), and Cruz Negra Anarquista Mexico (Esp)

(…) Perhaps the words of Fallon, Amélie, and Carlos will inspire you to build friendships based on trust and affinity, to have each others’ backs, and to translate your own rage against the world of prisons and police and borders into actions. As Carlos “El Chivo” wrote, “I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.” And as anarchists everywhere never cease to remind us: it’s easy to attack.

Somewhere between Mexico City and Montréal, March 2014.

Marco Camenisch: İsyankar bir hayat







Genel bilgi:

Şu an Isviçre’deki nükleer santral sayısı 5, bunlar Isviçre’nin 7 milyonluk nüfusunun ve kapitalist işyerlerinin elektrik ihtiyacının %40’ını gideriyor. ONLINE OKU /İNDİRKapitalistlerin ihtiyaçları gittikçe yükseldiği için, yeni nükleer santrallerin kurulması ülkenin güncel politikasında yer alıyor. Elektrik şirketleri yeni santral kurmak için devletten izin istediler.
Continue reading Marco Camenisch: İsyankar bir hayat

[EN] Out now! The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism


The Squatters’ Movement in Europe is the first definitive guide to squatting as an alternative to capitalism. It offers a unique insider’s view on the movement – its ideals, actions and ways of life. At a time of growing crisis in Europe with high unemployment, dwindling social housing and declining living standards, squatting has become an increasingly popular option.
Continue reading [EN] Out now! The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism

Los Anarquistas contra el sufragio – Errico Malatesta


La democracia, el gobierno representativo y el sufragio, significan un logro, una conquista en la historia, un progreso… Un logro, una conquista y un progreso para los beneficiarios de la explotación del Hombre por el Hombre, ya que por las formas democráticas y los mecanismos electorales, su posición se legitima y garantiza como nunca en la historia se ha hecho.
Cuando criticamos a la democracia y la ubicamos como uno de los pilares del sistema, somos concientes de que hay quienes atribuyen a la democracia un sentido diferente.
Continue reading Los Anarquistas contra el sufragio – Errico Malatesta

Barbarische Gedanken: Über revolutionäre Zivilisationskritik – Wolfi Landstreicher


Ich bin überzeugt, dass eine revolutionäre Herausforderung an die gegenwärtige soziale Ordnung notwendigerweise auch eine Herausforderung an die letzten 10 000 Jahre der institutionellen Entwicklung sein muss, welche sie erschaffen hat. Kurz gesagt, revolutionäre Kritik muss auf die Zivilisation selbst abzielen. Aber was heißt das genau?
Continue reading Barbarische Gedanken: Über revolutionäre Zivilisationskritik – Wolfi Landstreicher

Kitap: ‘Neler Oluyor Sevgilim!’ basılı hali şimdi dağıtımda!


“Yazarları bu kitabı ellerine aldıklarında dünyalılara özgü olan gizemi, ateşin kutsal ışığını, kayan bir yıldızın güzelliğini hissettiklerini söylerler. Abarttıkları ve biraz da hayaller içerisinde oldukları kesin ama siz yine de bir göz atın.”
Continue reading Kitap: ‘Neler Oluyor Sevgilim!’ basılı hali şimdi dağıtımda!

Νέα κυκλοφορία: “Επιθεώρηση Φωτιάς” – Tεύχος 2ο

εξώφυλλο - ΕΦ - 2ο τεύχος


Το παρόν έντυπο αποτελεί μία μηδενιστική επιθεώρηση η οποία εκδίδεται σε μηνιαία βάση από τον Μηδενιστικό Κύκλο – Contra Omnes στην οποία δημοσιεύονται θεωρητικά κείμενα από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό από τα διαδικτυακά μέσα Κύκλος Ατομικιστών Αναρχικών, Inter Arma και Nigrum Inferno. Σε κάθε τεύχος του εντύπου θα δημοσιεύονται κείμενα τα οποία τοποθετούνται στα πλαίσια της μηδενιστικής ή ευρύτερα μαύρης θεώρησης.
Continue reading Νέα κυκλοφορία: “Επιθεώρηση Φωτιάς” – Tεύχος 2ο