by Luigi Galleani
also contains a chonology of Luigi Galleani
galleani.pdf 290.82 KB
Toward the Creative Nothing – Renzo Novatore (Elephant Editions)
Am 08.05.2014 fand unter dem Motto „Liberi Tutti“ in Hamburg ein Abend in Solidarität mit den gefangenen und verfolgten AnarchistInnen in Italien statt.
Continue reading Hamburg: Liberi Tutti! – Solidarität mit den gefangenen und verfolgten AnarchistInnen in Italien
The Finger and the Moon
act for freedom
From the operation ‘Cervantes’ to the correlated strategies of dominion
Dominion is vindictive
No less are the oppressed
Translated by Barbara Stefanelli
Continue reading THE FINGER AND THE MOON
This pamphlet explores the possibilities for countering covert investigative efforts initiated or assisted by police. The aim of countering all aspects of state led intelligence gathering is not inherently to reveal undercover activity but to create a safer and less venerable network.
Sprung from discussions following two police infiltrations into anarchist networks in Southern Ontario in the lead up to the G20 summit in Toronto in 2010, this text offers suggestions on how to start making your networks safer and creating an active security culture within our everyday activities and organizing.
A talk by Laudelino Iglesias Martinez.
Laudelino Iglesias Martinez left prison on the 9th of August 2004 after spending more than 23 years in Spanish cells. He is one of the well-known social rebels and anarchists imprisoned in Spain, participating in the revolutionary organisation of prisoners who were refused amnesty by the state after the death of Franco, and continuing to struggle against isolation and against the many abuses of a brutal incarceration system. Laudelino spent many years suffering at the hands of fascist screws in the infamous FIES units but never stopped fighting.In autumn 2005 Laude began a European tour to spread information about past and current resistance to the repressive state apparatus that is the penal system, and to encourage solidarity with the many free and strong individuals who are currently behind bars.This short pamphlet is a transcript of a talk he gave at Bradford 1in 12 Club in October 2005 where he was accompanied by an activist from the Spanish prisoner support group Salhateka. Available for £2ppd in the UK.
Here we send you the English translation of the conversation with Gustavo Rodríguez published in Conspiración Ácrata. Feel free to publish it on your pages.
A warm embrace,
Spanish original text here.
(…) Perhaps the words of Fallon, Amélie, and Carlos will inspire you to build friendships based on trust and affinity, to have each others’ backs, and to translate your own rage against the world of prisons and police and borders into actions. As Carlos “El Chivo” wrote, “I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.” And as anarchists everywhere never cease to remind us: it’s easy to attack.
Somewhere between Mexico City and Montréal, March 2014
Click here for PDF.
The critique of ‘civil anarchism’, that has been put forward in a few fleeting texts by the nihilist-egoist comrades of Dark Matter Publications(1) and in an article by Venona Q, Scandalous Thoughts(2) has revitalised a needed rebuke against a typically British (but not only) line of thought. The critique hasn’t yet aimed to be comprehensive or even far-reaching, as it consists of only a few sketches, but it has hit a nerve. For the best part of a decade civil anarchism in Britain has been perfecting its theoretical denunciations unchallenged, so it is refreshing to see it being taken to task. This fragment is meant to be another contribution to refresh
this critique of ‘civil anarchism’ with some of my thoughts.
Continue reading Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism (en/gr)