Tag Archives: us

Fermate il “serpente nero”. I Sioux Lakota dichiarano guerra alla Keystone XL pipeline


Il Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statementfor per la lunghissima Keystone XL pipeline (che attraversando gli Usa da nord a sud dovrebbe trasportare il petrolio delle sabbie bituminose canadesi dell’Alberta fino alle raffinerie del Texas sulla costa del Golfo del Messico) sta sollevando molte perplessità, e ha scatenato quasi 300 vegli di protesta alle quali si sono aggiunte le voci di un gruppo di comunità di nativi americani hanno aggiunto le loro voci a chi si oppone al Keystone XL.
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The Struggle Against Fascism in Russia


This week we speak with Ukrop, an anarchist, antifascist activist, and maker of the documentaries “Antifascist Attitude” & “Actions vs. Repressions”. This is part 1 of a two part interview, in which they talk about the history and context of Nazi influence in formerly-Soviet Russia and the rise of radical anti-fascism. Ukrop also discusses how the internet effected punk and anarchist subculture in Russia in the 1990′s and the first decade of the 21st century. In the conversation we cover overlaps between police and prisons and nazi’s as well as how the education system in that country feeds into nationalism and capitalism.
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NATO 3: Recordings Reveal Undercover Cop “Mo” Helped Build Molotovs, Directed Defendants


Today in the trial of the NATO 3—Brent Betterly, Jared Chase, Brian Jacob Church—undercover Chicago cop Mehmet Uygun (aka “Mo”) continued his testimony and began cross-examination by the defense attorneys. A few audio recordings from the undercovers’ wires were also played as Uygun gave more testimony.
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The Abolition of Society


Feral Faun


“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest”.

Webster’s New World Dictionary

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