1. Así como la Revolución Industrial sucedió, la sociedad moderna creó para sí un mito auto-condecorativo, el mito del “progreso”: Desde la era de nuestros remotos simios antecesores, la historia humana ha seguido su incesable rumbo hacia un futuro mejor y más brillante, siendo alegremente bienvenidos por todos cada avance tecnológico que surgía: la ganadería, la agricultura, la rueda, la construcción de ciudades, la invención de la escritura y el dinero, los buques de pesca, la brújula, la pólvora, la imprenta, la máquina de vapor, y, al fin, el mayor logro humano, ¡La sociedad indutrial moderna! Antes de la industrialización, prácticamente todo el mundo estaba condenado a una vida invariable, trabajos durísimos, enfermar de desnutrición, y una esperanza de vida reducida. ¿Acaso no somos muy afortunados por vivir en estos tiempos modernos que nos brindan montones de ratos de ocio y un tropel de comodidades tecnológicas para hacer nuestras vidas más fáciles?
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Tag Archives: us
Aux vagabonds, aux chômeurs, aux déshérités, aux miséreux… (fr/en)
Originalement publié dans le numéro du 4 octobre 1884 du journal anarchiste Alarm, ce texte fut distribué sous forme de tract par l’International Working People’s Association, organisation anarchiste dont le but était de reprendre là ou la première AIT (1864-1877) s’était arrêtée, et à laquelle appartenaient Albert Parsons (compagnon de Lucy), August Spies, et d’autres anarchistes emprisonnés et exécutés à la suite de la tentative insurrectionnelle de Haymarket à Chicago en 1886.
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Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization
Kevin Tucker
In ‘The Rising of the Barbarians’ (Green Anarchy #13), the author lays out very clearly his influences for his ‘revolutionary perspective’ in order to draw out exactly where his lines of solidarity lie. I can respect his clarity on the subject, but I think it demands an equal response on my own part.
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Las últimas palabras de los Mártires de Chicago
Realizamos una recopilación de las últimas palabras pronunciadas por los compañeros anarquistas asesinados en Chicago y convertidos en Mártires de la lucha obrera:
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What Is Communist Anarchism?
Alexander Berkman
I consider anarchism the most rational and practical conception of a social life in freedom and harmony. I am convinced that its realization is a certainty in the course of human development.
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The Cybernet of Domination
by Feral Faun
(Author’s note: This article is more speculative than I ideally would have liked, because it is attempting to trace the tendencies inherent in one aspect of modem society, tendencies which, of course, are in relationship to other aspects of this society. This should not be read as prediction, but as an attempt to show why cybernetics is not even potentially liberating and will ultimately be opposed by insurgent free spirits.)
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Rob los Ricos Against The New World Order (Januray 1, 2005)
The death of Carlo Guiliani during the protests against the G8 summit in Genoa shocked many people in the First world. Carlo was assassinated by the militarized police forces of the New World Order, whose outright fascist nature was made clear when Guiliani’s arrested comrades were forced to pay homage to Il Duce in words and song by the Italian security forces.
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Revolution And/Or Insurrection: Some Thoughts on Tearing this Muthafucka Down
Kevin Tucker
Disclaimer: “revolution” is for entertainment and historical reasons only.
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“Activism” and “Anarcho-Purism”
sasha k
“After Seattle” (words that launched a thousand articles) there has been much talk about how to keep “building the movement.” In “Rethinking Radical Activism and Building the Movement,” Chris Dixon adds his thoughts on the matter. After reading the article one is prompted to ask what of “activism” is rethought and what is the movement to be built? In fact, very little is rethought and a critical look at “activism” is entirely absent from Dixon’s celebratory piece. Dixon focuses his discussion around hope, a hope that he calls “critical”; unfortunately, the hope in Dixon’s article is mostly self-congratulatory and contains almost no critical reflection.
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The End of Anarchism? Luigi Galleani
The first decade of the twentieth century seemed to be quite promising. We were being told at school and on the streets that a new era of democratic freedom and social justice had opened. Criticism of the old institutions was encouraged by politicians, and the hopes of working people were raised by the labour unions’ promises of protection.
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