We are forced once again to talk about things which should be obvious, hoping and wanting this to be the last time we do so. We refer to two texts published on Monday night, January 20th, on ‘Inter Arma’, one by Gerasimos Tsakalos and another by people in solidarity with the CCF; both texts insinuated heavy accusations against us. Of course, the fact that we position ourselves on both texts in one open letter does not mean in any way that we blame one person for what was said by the others, or vice versa.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Statement of ten anarchists from the 4th wing of Koridallos prison (26.1.2014)
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Questa mattina un gruppo di solidali con le lotte dei reclusi del Cie ha dato vita a tre presidi-lampo di fronte ad altrettanti uffici postali di Porta Palazzo e della Barriera di Milano. Manifesti sulle vetrine, volantini e interventi al megafono per segnalare a clienti e impiegati che PosteItaliane, attraverso la loro controllata MistralAir, collaborano con le deportazioni dei senza-documenti. Una piccola contestazione, che però ha fatto andare in confusione gli impiegati di Porta Palazzo, che si sono barricati nell’ufficio lasciando fuori alcuni clienti e che hanno riaperto solo all’arrivo di una volante della polizia – rimasta poi di piantone fino all’orario di chiusura.
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Compañero Felipe Adasme en la calle
El 20 de Diciembre del 2013 tras enfrentamientos con la policia y cortes de calle por parte de encapuchados a las afueras de USACH, es detenido Felipe Adasme acusado de intentar incendiar el árbol de pascua.
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Cosmetic Animal Testing Banned in São Paulo, Brazil Following Lab Raids
[Greece] Update From Steki Nadir (en/it)
we received and transmit: update information from Greece
At the 6th of January the anti-terrorist unit announced that Christodoulos Xiros violated his 7th days of temporary permission leaving prison for a few days. He escaped and went underground for his freedom. Christodoulos Xiros is a member of the Marxist organization 17th November (an organization active for 27 years having claimed responsibility for 23 executions of cops, judges, journalists, politicians, American agents, dozens of explosions and attacks with rockets). Xiros has sentenced to six times lifelong plus 1000 years to prison.
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NATO 3: Police Flushed Liquid from Beer Bottles Down Toilet, Other Testimony on Alleged Evidence
Check out our run-down of live tweets from the courtroom! http://storify.com/FreeNATO3/nato-3-trial-day-5
Continue reading NATO 3: Police Flushed Liquid from Beer Bottles Down Toilet, Other Testimony on Alleged Evidence
Materiali e risorse dalla lotta per la casa (Genova)
Clean water solidarity in WV & Swain’s bid for election
A Tactical Laboratory in Quezon City Sculpting Green Resistance
Kein Fußbreit den Faschisten am 30. Januar in Baden-Baden!
Am 30. Januar 2014 wollen die Faschisten der Karlsruher Kameradschaft „Karlsruher Netzwerk“ auf dem Goetheplatz in Baden-Baden eine Kundgebung durchführen. Dieser Tag hat eine eindeutige geschichtliche Bedeutung, denn es ist der Tag, an dem der damalige Reichspräsident Hindenburg Adolf Hitler zum Reichskanzler ernannte und so die Machtübertragung an die deutschen Faschisten vollbracht wurde.
Continue reading Kein Fußbreit den Faschisten am 30. Januar in Baden-Baden!