Worsening Conditons for Kevin After Terrorism Charges


For the initial days following the July 10th AETA indictment, Kevin Johnson was still being held in general population at Vandalia Correctional Center. As of July 17th, however, he was moved into segregational custody at the prison. Since then, he’s had almost no contact with the outside world, aside from one letter he was able to send and phone calls with attorneys.

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ALF Targets Canadian Vivisection Front Group with Butyric Acid


In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office this week, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claims to have targeted the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science in Toronto, an apologist group for the outdated practice of imprisoning, torturing and killing innocent non-human animals in research laboratories.

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Earth First! Journal Vol. 1 Now Available to Read on TALON Conspiracy!


For all of its many flaws, I love Earth First! and most of the many projects that it has inspired, and I say that as someone fully aware of all the mistakes that have been made along the way. Those errors- everything from alliances with open racists like Ed Abbey to articles cheerleading famine in Africa- are ultimately what makes the history of Earth First! such a valuable roadmap for modern revolutionaries. Earth First!’s fuck-ups are at times so glaring that my hope is, after examining them, there is no way they could be made again.

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Carcel y mujeres; carta de Olga Ikonomidou


Cárceles y mujeres: Carta de Olga Ikonomidou, Miembro de O.R. C.C.F

La siguiente carta fue la contribución de Olga Ikonomidou a las jornadas “Mujeres frente al encierro” realizadas 10-11 de junio en casa ocupada Patission 61&Skaramaga en Atenas.
Recordamos que la Olga fue detenida el 14 de marzo de 2011 en Volos junto a otros 4 anarquistas y luego asumió la pertenencia a la Conspiración de Células del Fuego.

Carta de Olga Ikonomidou

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Rebel! Rebuild! Rewild!


Dear eco-warriors, land defenders, guerrilla gardeners, survivalists, nature-lovin’ radicals & free-thinkers,

We live in the midst of a storm of crises – climate change, mass extinction, ocean acidification, peak oil, land theft, and class war, just to name a few. Harper’s vision for Canada is of a vast resource colony, where natural resources are exploited as rapidly as possible, for the profit of the world’s largest corporations. We are called to challenge this vision with a vision of our own.

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Hambacher Forest Occupation Call for Solidarity


We are presently blocking the expansion of the largest opencast lignite mine in Western Europe with treesits and barricades through out the Hambacher Forest. After the last eviction on March 27th 2014 we have re-occupied the forest, this time, building up not one but two separate tree sits with multiple platforms, tree-houses, walk ways in between and barricades throughout the forest.

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Sgomberato Hell Chuncho – Torino


Verso le 7 e 30 del mattino viene bloccato il traffico in via bologna per permettere lo sgombero di hell chuncho.
Due occupanti riescono a raggiungere il tetto, un sovreccitato digos li raggiunge in corsa e getta di sotto i viveri e il materiale stipato per la resistenza, poi sempre lo stesso supermerda decide di provare a convincere i ragazzi a scendere prendendone uno dal collo, il quale riesce però a divincolarsi.
Di lì a poco i compagni decidono di scendere dal tetto per evitare problemi ad un altro occupante il cui permesso di soggiorno era scaduto.
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La resistenza Mapuche risponde ad un attacco armato al Lof Wentelolen


Dopo l’attacco armato della polizia al Lof Wentelolen, che ha lasciato undici comuneri feriti, tre dei quali gravi con ferite di proiettile calibro 9 millimetri, vari sono stati gli incidenti che si sono registrati nella zona, relativi alla Resistenza Mapuche. Altri fatti si sono registrati anche nelle vicinanze di Ercilla, questa volta in appoggio dello sciopero della fame che i Prigionieri Politici Mapuche stanno facendo da 5 giorni nel carcere di Temuco.

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