Berlin – Fire to Sodexo! Italian translation by eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch


Italian translation by Marco Camenisch
Translated into English by act for freedom now
For almost 20 years company Sodexo has been the target of people like us, who are struggling against the racist and neo-colonialist system. It started in 1997, when Sodexo offered to take on catering and other services destined to refugees in the knowledge this would result in a huge turnover. Since then Sodexo has been internationally known as a company who became a big multinational operating in many countries under low cost management, i.e. by racially reducing human life to a question of figures.
Continue reading Berlin – Fire to Sodexo! Italian translation by eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch

Terroristi! (2002)


Appena otto giorni dopo gli attentati contro il Pentagono e il World Trade Center, la Commissione europea ha presentato una Proposta di decisione quadro del consiglio sulla lotta contro il terrorismo, abbinata ad un’altra riguardante il mandato di arresto europeo. Queste disposizioni, che ricordano le leggi scellerate varate nel 1893-1894 per contrastare il dilagare della «propaganda col fatto» anarchica, consentiranno di qualificare come «terrorista» qualsiasi atto di contestazione esercitato da qualsiasi individuo. Esse chiariscono il senso dello stato di guerra decretato da Bush e avallato dalle istanze europee: la pace dei mercati, è la guerra sociale! Lo spauracchio di un terrorismo dai mille volti permette a padroni e governanti di fare a meno del formalismo democratico.
Continue reading Terroristi! (2002)

The Two Faces of the Present


« One cannot enter twice into the same river »—Heracleitus
« What’s new? There’s Clio »—A Renault advertisement
The totalitarian dream of power is to make us bathe not twice, but thousands of times in the same river. The governors of time want to force us to survive within the walls of an eternal present – the social measurement of a continuous and collective deferment of life to the future.
Continue reading The Two Faces of the Present

Maria Nikiforova, la révolution sans attendre. L’épopée d’une anarchiste à travers l’Ukraine (1902-1919), septembre 2014, 142 pages, [6 euros]

Mila Cotlenko

Etrangement, ni Voline, ni Archinov, pas plus que des historiens comme Skirda ou Avrich ne font une place à Maria Nikivorova dans leurs récits, alors que Makhno lui-même relate sans hésiter plusieurs épisodes qui donnent un éclairage sur les activités de Maria Nikiforova. Pour un anarchiste qui a vécu cette période en Ukraine – on la retrouve également dans les mémoires du chef d’état-major du mouvement insurrectionnel makhnoviste Viktor Belash –, il est difficile de ne pas en parler : elle faisait sans nul doute partie des compagnons incontournables.
Continue reading Maria Nikiforova, la révolution sans attendre. L’épopée d’une anarchiste à travers l’Ukraine (1902-1919), septembre 2014, 142 pages, [6 euros]