Existence č. 3/2015 – Úspěchy


Kvůli dočasné nefunkčnosti svého webu nás požádalo Nakladatelství AF o zveřejnění oznámení, že vyšlo další číslo anarchistické revue Existence, tentokrát na téma úspěchy, kterého se dotýká i rozhovor se členem AFA.

Letní číslo anarchistické revue Existence je tu. I když letní nebe občas pokazí mraky, není důvod zoufat. Stejně tak není důvod se hroutit kvůli tomu, že státní mašinerie dělá svou práci – udržuje status quo a pronásleduje ty, kdo by ho mohli narušit, mezi něž rozhodně patříme my, anarchisté a anarchistky.
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In struggle against time (2012)


Time is money. If we were to throw all the money in the world into an unrestrainable fire, would time then stop? Would everything turn into stone, would a steadfast eternity defy the winds? Or would everything be reduced to ashes and it would only be a matter of minutes before all these ashes would be scattered in all directions, becoming invisible? Would the provoked movement be such that time would have no more grip, and could not do anything more than powerlessly assist the unfolding of events?
To live means to struggle. Strange to think about the amount of people that would agree with this, each one giving it their own meaning. Yet… the alarm-clock rings and jolts us into the ring, we try to remember but actually, we no longer know whether, in the meantime, we ever quit this ring. Struggling against time. The thought of being able to win keeps us on the ring, little does it matter at which point the stage starts becoming disfigured. The rules are fixed, and to all of those who pay attention to the rules, they’ve learned that endurance is their best asset.
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Roman Bogdan is an antifascist from Brest. Arrested on April 1, 2015 on suspition of participation in the fight with neo-nazis that took place on May 8, 2013. Together with Dzmitry Stsyashenka they were charged with aggravated bodily harm and face up to 10 years in prison. In March 2014 Dzmitry Zvan’ko was sentenced on this case to 5 years of prison.
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Nanotechnology and Social Control

In the pursuit of full control over every aspect of existence, the ruling order has begun to push the development of technologies that manipulate matter on the scale of the nano-meter, that is to say a millionth of a millimeter. At this level, the level of atoms and molecules, and thus of proteins, carbon compounds, DNA and the like, the distinction between living and non-living can begin to get hazy and many of the proposals relating to this technology stem from this haziness. Nanotechnology creates new products through the manipulation of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. While biotechnology manipulates the structure of DNA to create new organisms through the recombination of genes, nanotechnology goes further, “breaking down” matter into atoms which can then be put back together to form new materials, literally created atom by atom. At present, attention is focused on the carbon atom, but scientists would like to have control over the every element of the Periodic Table to use at will. This would allow them to combine characteristics (such as color, resistance, melting point, etc.) in ways previously unknown.