Category Archives: EN

Spain – Anarchist prisoner Juankar Santana Martín on hunger strike in support of the 3 on trial in Lleida


Joining the call for solidarity with the Lleida 3, anarchist prisoner Juankar Santana Martín will be on hunger strike on 24th, 25th and 26th April.
On 26th April a trial will take place in Lleida against the 3 comrades accused of repeatedly obstructing the course of justice and threating a jailer; the Public Prosecutor has demanded 4 years in prison for two people and three years for another plus a 18,000-euro fine.
Continue reading Spain – Anarchist prisoner Juankar Santana Martín on hunger strike in support of the 3 on trial in Lleida

Greece: Exarchia calling — text from new international squat


(NB: on the topic of squats and the anarchist space in Greece, see also the call-outs for “No Nations! Squat the World!” )

This statement is based on our personal and shared collective experience of the current situation of anarchist struggle in Greece, Athens and Exarchia. We did not neither had the time to consult and agree with the older Greek crowd of anarchists and radicals, and is only our sentiment as mostly international people with little experience and limited knowledge of the dynamics within the militant crowds.
Continue reading Greece: Exarchia calling — text from new international squat

Greece: New text from CCF Urban Guerrilla Cell for ‘Fuck Nations, Squat The World’


I) Property is theft.

“Property is theft” says one of the oldest anarchist slogans. It is the theft of collective life, it is the abolition of community, it is the refuge of taking distance from the commons, of fear. Property and its twin sister power, give birth to the distinction of people based on titles, positions and privileges…Just like the sky has no borders, the land should not be owned.
Continue reading Greece: New text from CCF Urban Guerrilla Cell for ‘Fuck Nations, Squat The World’

Greece – Athens -Direct action against means of public transport (eastern districts of Athens)


From the beginning of 2016, dozens of ticket machines have been removed
from buses in our neighbourhoods. With simply means, by unscrewing 4
screws and cutting one wire, ticket validation machines were removed
from the buses of the local routes (250, 732, 203, 054), securing free
transport for everyone even if just for a bit. Commuting with public
transport is not strolling in the city. Commuting is a necessity which
is directly related with the search for work as well as with us getting
there on time. It is commuting for us, “those below”, the workers, the
unemployed and the immigrants who serve the profits of the bosses.
Continue reading Greece – Athens -Direct action against means of public transport (eastern districts of Athens)

Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016


When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.
Continue reading Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016

Support animal liberation prisoners Nicole & Joseph (USA)


(flyer/ benefit event in february 2016)

In early 2016, Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane signed non-cooperating plea agreements in which they pled guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Joseph and Nicole were accused of releasing thousands of animals from fur farms, and causing damage to other businesses associated with the fur industry, in the summer and autumn of 2013.
Continue reading Support animal liberation prisoners Nicole & Joseph (USA)