Tag Archives: 1927

Gli eroi guerreschi come grandi criminali (Ed. Archivio Famiglia Berneri 1987)


Camillo Berneri

Camillo Berneri – Gli eroi guerreschi come grandi criminali (Ed. Archivio Famiglia Berneri 1987)
[Puj] Io per rilassarmi solitamente leggo vecchi opuscoli anacronistici. Questo, a firma di Camillo Berneri, filosofo anarchico anti-fascista, morto in Spagna durante la guerra civile, è anche ricco di spunti interessanti e pure attuali. Il libretto raccoglie alcuni articoli redatti tra il ‘25 e il ‘29 quando Berneri, in fuga dall’Italia fascista, si era rifugiato in Francia. L’autore si scaglia contro il mito dell’eroismo del soldato, linfa vitale di tutta la propaganda patriottica e guerresca tanto di moda all’epoca, smontandolo pezzo per pezzo.
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Nestor Makhno

The month of October 1917 is a great historical watershed in the Russian revolution. That watershed consists of the awakening of the toilers of town and country to their right to seize control of their own lives and their social and economic inheritance; the cultivation of the soil, the housing, the factories, the mines, transportation, and lastly the education which had hitherto been used to strip our ancestors of all these assets.


La Plataforma


Camillo Berneri

«El anarquismo es una ideología de masas». La «Plataforma» dice:

«La lucha de clases creada por la esclavitud de los trabajadores y por sus aspiraciones de libertad hizo nacer en el seno de los oprimidos la idea del anarquismo: la idea de la completa negación del sistema de comunidad basado sobre principios de clase y de Estado, la idea de la sustitución de este sistema por una sociedad libre y no estatista de trabajadores que se autoadministran».

Los pensadores eminantes del anarquismo han encontrado, según la «Plataforma», esta idea de la acción popular y no han hecho sino elaborarla y propagarla.
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Luigi Fabbri 

Translator’s introduction: This letter, published in the Italian-language New York journal “Il Martello”, is Fabbri’s reaction to the project for an Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists. Fabbri was involved in the discussions on the setting up of an International Anarchist Communist Federation, as part of the “Pensiero e Volontà” Group together with Berneri and Fedeli. This article was published several months after the aborted attempt to set up the international, but it is not clear when the article was actually written.

Introduction to Max Stirner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum by John Henry Mackay


At the beginning of the 1840s, in a wine bar in northern Friedrichstrasse in Berlin — it was opposite the present Zentralhotel and its proprietor was named Hippel — there gathered every evening a circle of men who called themselves “The Free”, or at least they were so-called by the public. It was named “The Free” because its members belonged to the extreme left in the intellectual and political movement of those days.
Continue reading Introduction to Max Stirner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum by John Henry Mackay

Contributions to the History of Individualism


Anselm Ruest and Salomo Friedlaender


“When one thoroughly knows and deeply examines the notion of individuality and the consequences that derive from the principle that is its basis, meaning that every man is not only related to the world in a particular way, but also to every object in the world and to every idea that these objects awaken, one is astonished that so much natural discord is possible side by side with so much historical concord.”  
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Sacco y Vanzetti, Nicola y Bart para los amigos….


Ferdinando Nicola Sacco (22 de abril de 1891 – 23 de agosto de 1927) y Bartolomeo Vanzetti (11 de junio de 1888 – 23 de agosto de 1927) eran dos inmigrantes italianos, trabajadores y anarquistas, que fueron juzgados, sentenciados y ejecutados por electrocución el 23 de agosto de 1927 en Massachusetts por el presunto robo a mano armada y asesinato de dos personas en 1920 en South Braintree, Massachusetts.

Continue reading Sacco y Vanzetti, Nicola y Bart para los amigos….