Tag Archives: 1982

Entre 1981 et 1983 : Le groupe Bakounine-Gdansk et les Hooligans Internationalistes frappent à Paris [Ajout PDF]


Février 1982, le groupe anarchiste Bakounine-Gdansk-Paris-Guatemala-Salvador (et pas « Bakounine Dante Paris Quatemala Salvador » comme le dit l’INA et le journaliste) revendique deux attaques explosives coordonnées dans le premier arrondissement de Paris. La première contre une entreprise collaborant avec l’Etat Chilien, et la deuxième contre une entreprise collaborant avec l’Etat argentin.
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Why Insurrection?


Alfredo M. Bonanno


Our task as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is that of seeing the social revolution realized: terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice. For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into simply a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and exploiters through revolution.

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Biella, il Quartiere di Riva e gli Anarchici.
Il nostro è un ricordo che corre sul filo delle vicende che hanno marcato il movimento libertario nella zona di Biella. E’ una storia di sorrisi, amicizie, aspre lotte e lacrime.: chi a questa storia si avvicina avverte con forza il sapore della dignità che traspira dalle parole di chi è stato partecipe di queste stagioni.

Towards anarchist antimilitarism


First published in English in Insurrection 1982
THE THEME OF WAR has been present in almost every kind of publication in recent months, including anarchist ones. War is approaching, it is about to break out, the two great international blocks are moving towards war: we must do everything we can to prevent the world from being completely annihilated through a mad impulse of those who govern us.
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Why Insurrection


OUR TASK as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is that of seeing the social revolution realized: terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice.
For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into simply a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and exploiters through revolution.
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Juventud Popular, Lucha Armada y Revolución 1950-1999


Por José Antonio Palma (1)

Uno de los principales legados nefastos de la dictadura militar es el imaginario de un país pacificado, donde la violencia, en cualquiera de sus formas, en especial la política, se diluye en la medida que la desregularización de la economía, la privatización de los derechos sociales y el Mercado se convierten en la centralidad del supuesto desarrollo económico, social y cultural del país.
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Organizational document of the self-managed leagues (Comiso-1982)


Distributed in Comiso 1982

The decision to build a base for 112 American Cruise missiles at Comiso is part of the project of political and military equilibrium between the two great superpowers. The justification given to this deadly enter­prise is that it is necessary to counter pose the Russian atomic bases which are lined up against Europe with all possible means.
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