Tag Archives: 1993

K-BUTT. Välzische Pfolkszeitung. Kaiserslautern


Von 1991 bis 1998 erschienen 17 Ausgaben und eine Sondernummer der Välzischen Pfolxzeitung “K-Butt”. Die linke Stadtzeitung aus Kaiserslautern wurde bis Nummer 3/1992 im A4-, ab Nummer 4/1993 im A3-Format herausgegeben. Die Titelcover und die Inhaltsverzeichnisse sind nachfolgend dokumentiert. Die Zeitung ist in folgenden Archiven und Bibliotheken (teilweise) vorhanden.
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Gianfranco Bertoli (testi – Senza Patria)


Gianfranco Bertoli

Un colpo al cerchio, uno alla botte
Tratto da Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986. Originariamente pubblicato su A Rivista anarchica del marzo 1978, n. 63, con il titolo: Dal carcere di Cuneo.

Il cerchio si chiude
Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986. Originariamente pubblicato su A Rivista anarchica dell’aprile 1979, n. 73

Sono stato l’avvocato di Gianfranco Bertoli
da una corrispondenza privata il breve racconto dell’incontro con Gianfranco Bertoli (2003)

Prefazione dell’autore
Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986

Il prezzo da pagare
Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986

Siamo tutti detenuti politici?
Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986

Voi, signori della stampa
Attraversando l’arcipelago, Edizioni Senzapatria, 1986.

Continue reading Gianfranco Bertoli (testi – Senza Patria)

Notas sobre el refugio libertario español en la región chilena (1939-1993)




Notas sobre el refugio libertario español en la región chilena (1939-1993)


Como es relativamente conocido, tras la victoria franquista en la península, en 1939 el frente-populista gobierno de Chile implementó un barco (el Winnipeg) para traer refugiados españoles desde las costas francesas. Uno de los principales gestores y administradores de la iniciativa fue el poeta Pablo Neruda. Según los informes sobre el SERE (Servicio de Evacuación de Republicanos españoles) emitidos desde la CNT de España a los libertarios chilenos, los cupos del barco debían distribuirse de forma proporcional para todas las agrupaciones políticas y sindicales del bando antifascista, pero Neruda, en complicidad con el Partido Comunista (en el que militaba) marginó al 86% de los nombres sugeridos por los anarcosindicalistas.
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L’idra tecnologica


Come fare per iniziare a parlare di un argomento complesso come la tecnologia? Analizzarla significa analizzare la totalità di questa civiltà moderna: non solo le sue prospettive industriali; non solo gli apparati e le strutture; non solo la gerarchia del potere e della specializzazione che questi apparati introducono nei rapporti umani; non solo gli «umili oggetti» che hanno scosso il nostro modo di vivere fin nelle sue più profonde radici, che hanno scosso anche i nostri sogni e i nostri desideri, il modo in cui vediamo noi stessi e il nostro mondo.

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FBI vs. the Branch Davidians: Assembling an alternative understanding


Dina Fisher

On April 19, 1993, live broadcasts of armored tanks and burning buildings flooded my TV screen. Flipping from station to station, I gathered that somewhere between 70 and 100 people were burning to death inside the buildings.

The news reports cut back and forth between live footage of the fire and replays from earlier that day of a U.S. government tank repeatedly smashing into the buildings. I could see dark spots where huge holes had been ripped into the exterior walls. Over these blurred, grainy images, newscasters explained that up until several minutes before the fire started, the FBI had used a specially-equipped armored tank to inject massive amounts of tear gas into the buildings during the proceeding six hours.

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Preparations for the Next Riot


Adam Bregman (1993)

For a moment there during the L.A. Riots there was jubilation as people showed they could take the streets back from the police, if only for a night or two. Poor people were able to attain things they could otherwise never afford. Capitalism’s excess products that forever waste away in the stores to be bought or always to be replaced by another on the shelf were liberated for use or for poor people to sell at swap meets for much more reasonable prices. Reporters on the scene were alarmed to see looters smiling and laughing. What isn’t fun about liberating free stuff from overpriced stores? People felt free. The crowd turning over and setting on fire the police car downtown was laughing, cheering and howling because they were having a blast and it was a crowd of mothers and their children, every race and age and every kind of folk you’d meet in this diverse city.
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Against Amnesia



There are moments when life seems entirely impossible. All the crazy dreams of rebellion disappear. The desire to revolt against the society of the civilized is lost to futility, the open but empty hand. All of the late-night laughter filled conversations, the meanderings and wanderings of those intoxicated with thoughts of adventure, begin to seem naive and empty. One comes to the conclusion that one is accomplishing nothing: destruction and creation seem equally without attraction. One abandons one’s own imagination and returns to the old trap of fear. The existential idiot occupies one’s head.
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How Nice To Be Civilized!


Des Réfractaires

Assassinations, massacres, rape, torture: these crimes committed on the soil of what was once Yugoslavia are not the acts of uncontrollable savages; of educationless brutes.

No doubt as children they respected the family order; are now more or less faithful followers of religions; earnest sports spectators; content with television. In a word, civilized folks; normal people doing what society expects them to!

Each crime demonstrates the success of diverse processes of domestication which have come to be grouped under the heading of Civilization.
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