Tag Archives: 1993

Contributo a una lettura critica de L’unico


Alfredo M. Bonanno


Si potrebbe trascrivere agevolmente un piccolo trattato dell’individualismo anarchico limitandosi alle citazioni tratte da L’unico e la sua proprietà. Sarebbe di certo opera vana, ed è questo che in alcuni casi non pochi studiosi di Stirner si sono limitati a fare. Faccenda discutibile, per persone chiamate ad approfondire tematiche e problemi, ma anche dolorosa, per le conseguenze pratiche negative, quando la stessa cosa, in sostanza, viene fatta da rivoluzionari entusiasti e superficiali.
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Biuletyn Anarchistycznego Czarnego Krzyża (pdf)


“Inny Świat” (Different World) is mainly an anarchist magazine. Of course, the beginnings were different, as initially it was a fanzine concerned with music and social matters as well as issues connected with opposing the state, fight for animals’ and human rights, ecology and all matters considered as being the part of independent (from what?) movement.
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Anarchism and the Black Revolution

Anarchism & The Black Revolution

Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin


Written by ex-Black Panther turned anarchist Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Anarchism and the Black Revolution is both an easy-to-read introduction to the fundamental principles of class struggle anarchism and an analysis of their relevance to the black liberation movement. Also contains a good section on why the author is an anarchist and why non-class struggle anarchists are useless.

Anarchism & The Black Revolution – Ervin.pdf

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Anarchists in the Face of the New Capitalist Order


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Comrades, before starting this talk, a couple of words in order to get to know each other better. In conferences a barrier is nearly always created between whoever is talking and those who are listening. So, in order to overcome this obstacle we must try to come to some agreement because we are here to do something together, not simply to talk on the one hand and listen on the other. And this common interest needs to be clearer than ever given the questions about to be discussed this evening. Often the complexity of the analyses and the difficulty of the problems that are being tackled separate the person who is talking from those who are listening, pushing many comrades into a passive dimension. The same thing happens when we read a difficult book which only interests us up to a point, a book with a title such as Anarchism and Post-industrial Society, for example. I must confess that if I were to see such a book in a shop window, I’m not sure I’d buy it.
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Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching


Notes: A note from the web-publisher: I put this up to make ecodefence information available to more people in these times of social/ecological crisis. The book is too expensive, hard to find, and there are obvious security risks to buying it through the mail from outfits like amazon.com. I hope you will download, print-off and pass it out to people in your area. Also, I want you to reproduce this information on other websites, so that in the event that this site is closed down there are dozens of others with Ecodefense still available. Do understand that this is a hot item for the Feds and will likely be suppressed quickly. So it’s important that reproduction and distribution occur as soon as possible, please help! Reproduction involves some security risks. It has been said that Dave Foreman sued some Australian eco-anarchists when they bootlegged it, so the key here is anonymity, don’t have any contact info associated with this book, and don’t have any website this information is copied to associated with you. To the destruction of the megamachine.
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La Lega dei Furiosi


“Per il mercante anche l’onestà è una speculazione”

“Come una croce per lungo per largo
si stende quel che è accettato
dagli il fuoco del tuo odio”
Paul Eluard

Come sfondo un’esigenza di comunicazione più ampia alla cui base ci sono le autoproduzioni di media.
Il principio informatore è l’autogestione e lo spirito, la solidarietà. Oggetto: il libero sviluppo della creatività, fuori e oltre il mercato, avendo come fine la dilatazione delle idee di libertà, di rivolta sociale e delle pratiche Iiberatrici.
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Ouella che qui si presenta è la prima traduzione italiana integrale dei dodici numeri di “internationale situationniste” usciti a Parigi dal giugno 1958 al settembre 1969. I primi 8 numeri uscirono come “bollettino centrale edito dalle sezioni dell’internazionale situazionista”, i numeri dal 9 all’il, senza indicazioni, dovevano essere, secondo le decisioni della VI Conterenza di Anversa, quelli di una rivista riservata all’espressione situazionista per la regione dell’Europa occidentale, mentre la zona scandinava e quella dell’Europa centrale avevano altre riviste; il n.1 2 è uscito invece come “Rivista della sezione francese dell’I.S.”.
Testi tratti da questi dodici numeri sono comparsi in traduzioni italiane di qualità molto diseguale (poche eccellenti, molte in vario grado ditettose, qualcuna che non si sa se attribuire a idiozia od ostilità più o meno inconscia) in:


‘Kegembiraan Yang Dipersenjatai’ – Alfredo M Bonanno (Armed Joy – Indonesian)

la gioia armata



Buku ini ditulis pada tahun 1977 dalam suatu momentum perjuangan revolusioner yang terjadi di Italia, yang situasinya kini sangat jauh berbeda, sangat perlu untuk disimpan dalam ingatan kita. Pergerakan revolusioner termasuk di dalamnya gerakan anarkis, sepertinya mengalami fase perkembangan, dan segala hal mungkin dapat saja terjadi, meskipun secara umum meluas menjadi pemeberontakan bersenjata.
Continue reading ‘Kegembiraan Yang Dipersenjatai’ – Alfredo M Bonanno (Armed Joy – Indonesian)