Tag Archives: 2007

Solidarity with Jock


Jock’s Story

Jock Palfreeman, as many young Australians do, left home early in 2006 to travel overseas. As a young man with an inquiring mind, he visited a number of countries, always seeking a wider experience than that of the average tourist. This led Jock to visit Bulgaria in Eastern Europe, where he made many good friends. Jock spent a number of months living and working with his friends and their families in a small country town about an hour’s drive from the capital, Sofia. Early in 2007, Jock left Bulgaria and travelled to the United Kingdom. During the Christmas/New Year period of 2007/2008, Jock returned to Bulgaria to visit friends and a series of events unfolded that was to have tragic consequences.

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Das Entfesselt ist ein dreimonatlich erscheinendes Infoblatt der Anarchist Black Cross Gruppen ABC Berlin und ABC Orkan. Wir wollen damit eine Kommunikation zwischen „drinnen“ und „draußen“ ermöglichen, indem wir Texte und Briefe von Gefangenen, Artikel über Gefangenenkämpfe und solidarische Aktionen und verschiedenes mehr abdrucken. Außerdem geht es uns darum den Antiknastgedanken zu verbreiten, verknüpft mit einer anarchistischen Perspektive, denn die Abschaffung von Knästen und Zwangsanstalten kann nur ein Teil auf dem Weg zur Befreiung von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung darstellen.
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FBI Investigating Attempted Firebombing Of KFC; Animal Rights Group Suspected

KFC To Stop Using Trans Fats

The FBI is investigating an apparent attempt to firebomb a fast-food restaurant in Reno because of the possibility it could have been an act of domestic terrorism after the initials of an animal rights group were found scrawled on a drive-thru sign, local fire officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

!Freedom Now! – october 2011



thomas meyer-falk



If you fight against the state, if you fight for a better world, fight for freedom, there is a chance that you will get thrown to the cage – that is the place where I stay. For over 15 years now. In the infernal regions, kept in isolation for security reasons, for more than 10 years. I was arrested in 1996, and only released into the general prison population in 2007.
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Scarcerati i compagni Bruno Ghirardi e Vincenzo Sisi


Il 14/2/2015 e il 19/2/2015 sono stati scarcerati rispettivamente i compagni Bruno Ghirardi e Vincenzo Sisi, arrestati nel febbraio del 2007, insieme ad altri 15 compagni (due sono ancora imprigionati), nell’ambito dell’operazione di controrivoluzione preventiva denominata “Tramonto”, condotta dallo Stato contro lavoratori, studenti, operai delegati sindacali e comunisti rivoluzionari, alcuni dei quali si sono dichiarati militanti per la Costruzione del “Partito Comunista Politico-Militare”.

I due compagni in questi otto anni, seppur sottoposti a durissime condizioni di prigionia, hanno continuato a lottare e a difendere la propria identità di rivoluzionari.

Mandiamo un saluto rivoluzionario ai compagni tornati in libertà e rilanciamo con forza la solidarietà a tutti i rivoluzionari prigionieri rinchiusi nelle carceri italiane e di tutto il mondo.



Texts from Eric McDavid

eric blue flannel small(2)

From an Update on 7/19/07

A visualization from Eric:
the locomotive has made it’s way and passed over the summit. now, it’s momentum is kinetic as it crosses the valley below… throughout the journey, this train has been guided by rails woven of the love and support of family both large and small… not too far off in the distance, is the place where the mountains gave passage to the river on it’s way to the sea; this is the convergence point to which the rails lead. a sphere of crystalline light is tucked into those folds of green; therein, the image of the judge is reading off a piece of paper = the
verdict of not-guilty……..

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