Tag Archives: 2012




Support the SOCPA 7!

In May 2012 three people were arrested for a protest at a supplier of HLS, accused of SOCPA 145 and 146 and released with strict bail conditions. The conditions included a ban on protesting against HLS and residency orders (sleep at the same address each night). A month later a fourth person was also arrested. The four were repeatedly rebailed over the next 8 months, despite it being very bad practice (and fairly unusual) to delay a decision to charge for so long.

Carta de Mario en respuesta al llamado internacional de solidaridad con el caso de Lucha Revolucionaria (2012)


“Para nosotrxs, el oprimido se encuentra
siempre en un estado de legítima defensa y
tiene siempre el pleno derecho de rebelarse
sin tener que esperar a que se le fusile, y sabemos
muy bien que muy a menudo
el ataque es el mejor método de defensa…”
Errico Malatesta, 28 octubre de 1923.
Continue reading Carta de Mario en respuesta al llamado internacional de solidaridad con el caso de Lucha Revolucionaria (2012)

Greece: Text by prisoners in Larissa in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist Babis Tsilianidis, who faces new court case (2012)


nner in Thessaloniki: SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST B.TSILIANIDIS – Trial 18/7 at 9am
[ Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 ]
In the past three years, several anarchists are held in Greek prisons and even more are under a judicial hostage, as a consequence of the escalating anarchist revolutionary violence that stepped up during this period.
Faced with an unusually large number of cases, which were also time-consuming as far as legal termination was concerned, the domination sought ways to circumvent the procedural and legalistic limitations that were after all turning against it.
Continue reading Greece: Text by prisoners in Larissa in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist Babis Tsilianidis, who faces new court case (2012)

Carta desde la clandestinidad por la reciente salida bajo fianza de Mario López de la cárcel (2012)


A mi hermano Mario,

Seis meses han pasado desde que te secuestraron esa noche de mala suerte, desde que te torturaron y te amenazaron, desde que hostigaron a tu familia y a tus amigxs. Durante seis meses lo intentaron todo para poder romper con tu espíritu ácrata – encerraron tu cuerpo dentro de cuatro paredes y un sinnúmero de rejas, lejos de los bosques salvajes donde perteneces, pero no les pasaba por la mente que en cada momento ibas a estar con tus compañerxs afines alrededor del mundo. Te dejaron aguantando el dolor pero tus ganas de luchar siempre ganaron.
Intentaron parar a tus abogadas afines para que dejaran de expresar su solidaridad hacia ti, sin darse cuenta que un par de hombres extraños acechando en las sombras por la madrugada y algunas amenazas de muerte vacías no iban a poder parar a aquellxs dispuestxs a luchar junto a ti. Mandaron sus presos-traidores para hacerte daño pero la solidaridad que sembrabas siempre fue más fuerte. Durante estos meses te burlaste del enemigo, aguantando el dolor, la incertidumbre y la tortura del encierro de un ser salvaje, te aferraste con fuerza a tus convicciones cada largo segundo. Usaste toda tu rebosante energía para propagar libertad en cada paso, teniendo éxito aun en ese lugar tan infecundo, para continuar el análisis de nuestra lucha insurreccional y nunca has parado de luchar, ni por un segundo, por la libertad y la Anarquía.

Hoy, cuando pisas la calle de nuevo, debes de saber que realmente nunca te quitaron tu libertad – todo el tiempo fuiste libre, porque a pesar de todo lo que intentaron, nunca pudieron y nunca van a poder quitarte la libertad que corre por tus venas, por nuestras venas. Se muy bien que esto no ha acabado -todxs conocemos los engaños y la venganza que forma la esencia del Estado- pero sabe que tus compañerxs se paran junto a ti y que tu espíritu indómito por la Anarquía solo puede crecer más fuerte aún.

Como tú, deseo que todxs nuestrxs compañerxs presxs y profugxs en México, Italia, Chile, Grecesta en la calle pero eia, Bolivia, Alemania, España, Suiza y en todo el mundo también puedan pisar la calle hoy, entrar en sus hogares y abrazar a sus queridxs. Y aunque por el momento ellxs aguantan con orgullo el encierro y la incertidumbre, también están con nosotrxs en cada momento.

Adelante compañero, aun hay mucho por hacer…

Tu hermana en afinidad,


Thessaloniki: Anarchist comrades Skouloudis, Tzifkas, Tsilianidis, Dimtsiadis and Fessas received court decision (2012) en/it


On Saturday, March 17th, a PA’s gathering and further solidarity actions took place in Thessaloniki ahead of the political trials against the comrades Giannis Skouloudis, Sokratis Tzifkas, Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis and Dimitris Fessas, as well as Rami Syrianos and Kleomenis Savvanidis —today (26/3) the trial against the imprisoned anarchist bandit Syrianos and comrade Savvanidis was postponed for May 23rd, 2012. This is a huge solidarity banner which was placed on the roof of an abandoned building on Egnatia Street (near Iasonidou Street)./ more solidarity banners and a stencil regarding the two political trials here
Continue reading Thessaloniki: Anarchist comrades Skouloudis, Tzifkas, Tsilianidis, Dimtsiadis and Fessas received court decision (2012) en/it

Greece -Letter from anarchist Babis Tsiianidis On July 18th takes place the trial in which i am accused for a robbery in the economic sector of Ahepa hospital in the summer of 2010. (2012)


Translated by Act for freedom now/boubourAs

In the text me and my comrades had published before our first trial (for the arson of vehicles of the national electricity company), we had mentioned the decisions we had taken concerning how we would how we would act at our trials, as well as the reasons which led us to them.
Continue reading Greece -Letter from anarchist Babis Tsiianidis On July 18th takes place the trial in which i am accused for a robbery in the economic sector of Ahepa hospital in the summer of 2010. (2012)

Mattone su mattone (it/fr)


Note sulla lotta contro il carcere
La capacità di adattamento dell’essere umano supera ogni immaginazione. Si può porre un uomo in pressoché qualsiasi condizione, anche nelle condizioni in cui ci sia solo la morte come filo rosso della storia, e riuscirà ancora ad adattarsi, ad accordare il suo comportamento al diapason dell’ambiente ostile. Da un lato, questa capacità è straordinaria e costituisce la specificità dell’essere umano in quanto tale. Dall’altro, essa è infinitamente tragica poiché il potere non incontra solo avversari implacabili, ma anche la rassegnazione che, in fin dei conti, rappresenta proprio il respiro vitale, per quanto putrido, del potere stesso.
Continue reading Mattone su mattone (it/fr)

“We Oppose All This Shit”; An Interview from the Hambach Forest Occupation


Since April 2012, activists in Germany have occupied the Hambach forest to prevent the expansion of Europe’s largest open-cast coal mine. The mine expansion project would mean the clearcutting of the forest and the eviction of thousands of local residents.

On March 27, 2014, the forest occupation was evicted by police. The next day, Sonny, an activist in the Hambach occupation, visited the Earth First! Journal office to tell us about the campaign, the eviction, and what we can do to help:

Continue reading “We Oppose All This Shit”; An Interview from the Hambach Forest Occupation

Riflessioni su Azione e Anarchia – it/en/fr/sh – 2012

roma_wall (1728x1152) (864x576)

Due compagni sono tuttora in carcere accusati di aver tolto il piacere di camminare (almeno per un po’) all’amministratore delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare, una persona che ha fatto della produzione, commercio, e sperimentazione di armi la propria vita.
Continue reading Riflessioni su Azione e Anarchia – it/en/fr/sh – 2012