Wreck is an anarchist publication based out of Vancouver, Occupied Coast Salish Territories. We hope to focus most of the content from our issues regionally (southern so-called “BC”). Continue reading WRECK An Anarchist Publications→
Temprano en la mañana del 7 de junio de 2015, el Frente de Liberación Animal instaló unos artefactos incendiarios bajo camiones pertenecientes a Harlan Laboratories. Harlan es una empresa propiedad de Huntingdon Life Sciences, responsables de suministro de animales de investigación y alimentar a los animales que se le práctica la vivisección. Continue reading CANADÁ: ACCIÓN INCENDIARIA CONTRA CAMIONES DE HARLAN LABORATORIES POR EL ALF→
Whether you’re new and curious about anarchism, or you have been an anarchist for decades, come join us for a jam-packed weekend of books and zines, workshops and discussions, good food, good friends, and more. On Friday July 17, the night before the bookfair, we’ll meet up for games night in the park. July 18-19, the sixth annual Toronto Anarchist Bookfair takes place at the Steelworkers’ Hall at 25 Cecil Street just south of the University of Toronto main campus. Continue reading The 2015 Toronto Anarchist Bookfair! July 18-19→
Temprano en la mañana del 7 de junio de 2015, el Frente de Liberación Animal instaló unos artefactos incendiarios bajo camiones pertenecientes a Harlan Laboratories. Harlan es una empresa propiedad de Huntingdon Life Sciences, responsables de suministro de animales de investigación y alimentar a los animales que se le práctica la vivisección. Esta acción se llevó a cabo con el fin de eliminar los medios de transporte de esta empresa, para interrumpir la tortura sistemática y el asesinato de animales inocentes, y para causar el mayor daño monetaria posible. Continue reading Acción incendiaria contra caminones de Harlan Laboratoriesen Ontario, Canadá- A.L.F.→
Ecofascism: What is It?
A Left Biocentric Analysis
This bulletin is an examination of the term and concept of “ecofascism.” It is a strange term/concept to really have any conceptual validity. While there have been in the past forms of government which were widely considered to be fascist — Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spain, or Pinochet’s Chile, there has never yet been a country that has had an “eco-fascist” government or, to my knowledge, a political organization which has declared itself publicly as organized on an ecofascist basis. Continue reading Ecofascism: What is It?→
On the morning of April 24th, 2015, we released hundreds of crickets in the Macdonald Engineering Building of McGill University, with the goal that they would spread and disrupt operations in multiple labs involved in technological development for the military. The campaign Demilitarize McGill has published extensive research on these labs’ activities, which range from military-funded explosives experiments to development of algorithms for control of social networks in collaboration with North American intelligence agencies. This action was simple to pull off, requiring no special skills or resources. Continue reading Montreal: Sabotage against university research labs→