Tag Archives: Distro

2016 Zine Catalog is Up and Ready!


We send zines to prisoners throughout the state of Oregon. Below you will find our most current catalog along with links to all associated zines. If you know a prisoner who would like to receive a catalog have them write to us at

Portland ABC
109 SE Alder st.
unit #0717
Portland Oregon 97214

New Zine Catalog Print

New Zine Catalog Read

you can find links to all of our zines in the catalog here


[Fanzine] La Distribuidora Anarquista Polaris edita en formato fanzine el texto “Negros presagios: Política anarquista en la era del colapso”, de Uri Gordon.


La Distribuidora Anarquista Polaris (Pontevedra) compartió por vía e-mail este nuevo trabajo que acaban de publicar, con el texto “Negros Presagios: Política anarquista en la era del colapso”, un análisis del anarquista israelí Uri Gordon sobre la situación actual de esta decadente sociedad industrial, su catastrófico pronóstico y las posibilidades que esto ofrece para que las luchas anarquistas puedan florecer y fortalecerse.
Continue reading [Fanzine] La Distribuidora Anarquista Polaris edita en formato fanzine el texto “Negros presagios: Política anarquista en la era del colapso”, de Uri Gordon.




INDOKUMENTADO is a section of the Onsite Infoshop devoted to research and publication, it seeks to explore anarchism as distinctly practiced in the archipelago through the multi-disciplinary approach of science, social sciences, folklore and actual practices.  We are interested to trace this tradition of Philippine anarchism from the Pleistocene era to establish our basis for asserting non-hierarchical politics. We also want to learn from our prehistoric past, proto-history and documented history to regain our “own” self and identity.  From the wisdom of our primitive social relationships we can conceptualize development that upholds equality and forge a society free from patriarchy and ecology friendly.
Continue reading INDOKUMENTADO – Distro