Tag Archives: germany

FRATELLO, AIUTATI! AGISCI! SIA VOLONTA’! SIA AZIONE! Lasciate d’un cuore placato e spensierato crollare la vita economica


er B.Traven (21 dicembre 1921)

Pensate ! Ma non potete pensare, perché vi occorono degli statuti, perché
avete degli amministratori da eleggere, perché avete dei ministri da
intronizzare, perché non potete vivere senza governo, perché non potete
vivere senza capo.
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Art and Religion


Max Stirner

Now, as soon as man suspects that he has another side of himself (Jenseits) within himself, and that he is not enough in his mere natural state, then he is driven on to divide himself into that which he actually is, and that which he should become. Just as the youth is the future of the boy, and the mature man the future of the innocent child, so that othersider (Jenseitiger) is the future man who must be expected on the other side of this present reality. Upon the awakening of that suspicion, man strives after and longs for the second other man of the future, and will not rest until he sees himself before the shape of this man from the other side. This shape fluctuates back and forth within him for a long time; he only feels it as a light in the innermost darkness of himself that would elevate itself, but as yet has no certain contour or fixed form. For a long time, along with other groping and dumb others in that darkness, the artistic genius seeks to express this presentiment. What no other succeeds in doing, he does, he presents the longing, the sought after form, and in finding its shape so creates the — Ideal. For what is then the perfect man, man’s proper character, from which all that is seen is but mere appearance if it be not the Ideal Man, the Human Ideal? The artist alone has finally discovered the right word, the right picture, the right expression of that being which all seek. He presents that presentiment — it is the Ideal. ‘Yes! that is it! that is the perfect shape, the appearance that we have longed for, the Good News — the Gospel. The one we sent forth so long ago with the question whose answer would satisfy the thirst of our spirit has returned!’ So hail the people that creation of genius, and then fall down — in adoration.
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Germania | Svizzera – Azioni dirette e sabotaggi contro sorveglianza e repressione (it/en)


Riceviamo alcune traduzioni realizzate da Marco Camenisch riguardanti comunicati e rivendicazioni di azioni e sabotaggi, alcuni dei quali non proprio recenti, ma precedentemente non diffusi in lingua italiana.
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Love or Hate Parade 7.0 – You Can Get It If You Really Want


Anlässlich der Jubiläums-Kulturwoche zum 20-jährigen KTS-Bestehen rufen wir für Samstag, den 7. Juni 2014, zur Jubel- oder Pöbelparade auf: Alles für die KTS – Die autonome Geburtstags–Polonaise
20 Jahre KTS heißt für uns: Besetzungen, Räumungen, Kampf um den Erhalt, Legalisierung, Bedrohungen, Überwachung und Angriffe, gelebte Subkultur, Wagenplätze, alternative Politik, Spaziergänge auf den Dächern dieser Stadt, Kunst, Kultur und Chaos im öffentlichen Raum, Antifa, Montagsplenum und Punkakneipe. Selbstverwaltete Räume wie die KTS waren und sind wichtig für eine lebendige Gesellschaft. Sie geben Raum für das Austesten von Utopien und für solidarische Organisierung, zum Durchatmen und Entspannen. Und sie sind Schutzräume vor Angriffen auf das schöne Leben.
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Berlin: Phoenix Project #11 (en/de/it)


Phoenix Project: Smoke signals from Berlin

“The fire comes in your cities, in your nights. From our spirit within, we carve its path toward all of you. Our friends will warm it up with solidarity, and will ignite their zest for action. It will turn our enemy into ashes. Mark our words. We want your heart. No matter who you are. No matter who I am either.
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“We Oppose All This Shit”; An Interview from the Hambach Forest Occupation


Since April 2012, activists in Germany have occupied the Hambach forest to prevent the expansion of Europe’s largest open-cast coal mine. The mine expansion project would mean the clearcutting of the forest and the eviction of thousands of local residents.

On March 27, 2014, the forest occupation was evicted by police. The next day, Sonny, an activist in the Hambach occupation, visited the Earth First! Journal office to tell us about the campaign, the eviction, and what we can do to help:

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