Tag Archives: Kevin Tucker

BAGR3: Wild Resistance, Insurgent Subsistence: An interview with BC green anarchists on native resistance, building community and undermining civilization.


Fracking, tar sands, sour gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG) conversion stations and pipelines; in all cases, it would appear that our native friends up north have been trail blazing persistent resistance to the new wave of resource extraction and distribution. As they seem to typify it, it’s just the new face of colonization, but an old enemy.

I had the pleasure of speaking to non-native green anarchists from British Columbia who have been involved with and supporting these encampments and have been able to give us some more details about the encampments, the challenges that they expose for anarchists and as non-natives, the contexts of decolonization and effective forms of resistance, and, most importantly, the role of community and subsistence.
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K. Tucker, “Una catalogazione delle conquiste” e “Un potenziale rivoluzionario”


Una catalogazione delle conquiste
La storia dell’archeologia non è molto diversa dal resto dell’antropologia. Si può dire che alla base degli scavi archeologici stia lo stesso tipo di osservazione che Malinowski introdusse nel lavoro sul campo dell’antropologia. Fu solo dopo l’Origine dell’uomo di Darwin (1859) che gli archeologi iniziarono a conoscere l’esistenza di un passato che andava ben oltre i 6.000 anni di tempo trascorsi secondo la Chiesa dalla “creazione”. Quanto al Nuovo Mondo fu necessario aspettare i contributi critici di Boas per una riformulazione delle modalità di scavo. Gli scavi archeologici così come li conosciamo oggi, hanno assunto la loro forma attuale solo dopo gli anni Sessanta, grazie al lavoro svolto da Lewins Binford in seguito alla messa a punto, nel 1947, del metodo di datazione del Carbonio 14, al ricorso esplicito della teoria dell’evoluzione, all’utilizzo di concetti ecologici e culturali e all’impiego della teoria dei sistemi.
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To Speak of Wildness – Kevin Tucker


“He says that woman speaks with nature. That she hears voices from under the earth. That wind blows in her ears and trees whisper to her. That the dead sing through her mouth and the cries of infants are clear to her. But for him this dialogue is over. He says he is not part of this world, that he was set on this world as a stranger.”[1]

– Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

“It is not inherently in the nature of the world that it should consist of things that may or may not be appropriated by people.”[2]

– Tim Ingold

The memory is vivid.
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Essays from Species Traitor


Kevin Tucker

(from insurgentdesire)

Towards Autonomy

Our culture suffers from an extreme personality disorder. It seems that it is wearing so much armor, that it forgets it’s even connected to its’ body. The face is so preoccupied with make up that it forgets to look down.

We’re built ourselves up so high that we forget that we need our foundations to stay afloat. We just say, “Here we are, now let’s deal with it.” Nowhere else can this be clearer than in our ‘race for the cure’ approach to life.

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Interview with anarcho-primitivist Kevin Tucker




Kevin Tucker is an anarcho-primitivist writer based out of rural Pennsylvania. His focus is on a critique of civilization, domestication and technology through a comprehensive understanding of how power and oppression arise within societies, how humans have become mediated from wildness, and how, through rewilding, humans can reconnect with the wild and resist the forces of civilization. He is the author of For Wildness and Anarchy (Black and Green Press, 2010), co-founder of the Black and Green Network, editor of Species Traitor Journal, and currently founding editor of Black and Green Review.
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BAGR 1: The Suffocating Void – Kevin Tucker


“It would be imprudent to deny, or even to play down, the profound change which the advent of ‘fluid modernity’ has brought to the human condition. The remoteness and unreachability of systemic structure, coupled with the unstructured, fluid state of the immediate setting of life-politics, change that condition in a radical way and call for a rethinking of old concepts that used to frame its narratives. Like zombies, such concepts are today simultaneously dead and alive.” – Zygmunt Bauman[1]

Something has changed. Radically. And for the worst.
Continue reading BAGR 1: The Suffocating Void – Kevin Tucker

GREEN ANARCHY Magazine (n.6 to n. 25)


An Anti-Civilization Journal of Theory & Action.

Issues listed are the issues which we have PDF’s of or have copies of to create PDF’s of. If you have PDFs of issues that are not listed, please email them to: AgainstLeviathan@gmail.com .

For physical copies of Green Anarchy, please go to the Green Anarchy website to order back issues or to subscribe to it.

–GA Issue 6  (summer 2001)
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