Tag Archives: us

new Eric King support flyers


Here are the new half-sheet, Eric King support flyers –

Please go ahead and download the  EKflyers , print them out,  distribute , and help us spread the word about Eric’s case , imprisonment , and struggle.

Thank you so much for all your support! Let’s keep EK in our hearts , and on our minds as we move forward and prepare to provide him the type of support he deserves over the coming months and years!


The EK Support Crew

new Eric King support flyers

Call For Action in Solidarity With Ongoing Texas Prison Strike


As of May 8, Texas prisoners will have been on strike for over a month in response to slave labor and denial of their basic human rights. As the strike carries on, TDCJ will undoubtedly continue to retaliate in hopes of discouraging this movement. We encourage cities across the nation to participate in this call for action to show solidarity with those on the inside, as well as gain media attention to further intimidate TDCJ to meet the prisoners demands. In addition, we take this as an opportunity to amplify the voices of the striking prisoners, carrying their message for public outreach.
Their list of demands and additional information can be found here.

We urge cities across Texas and far beyond to get behind this movement and let prisoners know that they are not alone. Circulate this information as widely as possible, and coordinate with groups to plan an event in your area.

Call For Action in Solidarity With Ongoing Texas Prison Strike

“Solidarity With All Political Prisoners”


By low_entropy

download link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/e2ntxz
“ghosts of the civil dead” is an australian movie from 1988. it is one of the only movies that takes a side with prisoners – beyond “street gang romanticism” etc. in hollywood movies – and shows how the state lives, enforces, profits from the prison system and not only uses it to keep the “prisoners” in line – but in the end the whole of the population.
it has been a source of samples for both techno, breakcore and underground tracks, and this is a minimix of tracks that use the movie as an inspiration and source.
solidarity with all political prisoners. solidarity with all prisoners!

“Johann Most” by Emma Goldman


Johann Most is one of the more misunderstood figures in U.S. anarchist history. His reputation is shaped by a legacy of vilification in the mainstream press, with the foreign-born Most being the target of relentless attacks by the newspapers of his day. In Most, the forces of capitalism and order found the stereotype of the wild-eyed anarchist bent on destruction.

This zine presents a biographical essay about Most by Emma Goldman, originally published in The American Mercury. It is notable for its profoundly human portrayal of Most, providing a biographical sketch and evaluating his role in the movement.

The essay is accompanied by a critical introduction that explores how Most has been portrayed over the years.


THE LEFT? NO THANKS! by John Zerzan


It isn’t that there’s no energy afoot in the world. On any given day on any continent, one can see anti-government riots; direct actions in support of animal liberation or to protect the earth; concerted efforts to resist the building of dams, superhighways, industrial installations; prison uprisings; spontaneous outbreaks of targeted vandalism by the fed-up and pissed-off; wildcat strikes; and the energy of countless infoshops, zines, primitive skills camps, schools, and gatherings; radical reading groups, Food Not Bombs, etc. The list of oppositional acts and alternative projects is very considerable.
Continue reading THE LEFT? NO THANKS! by John Zerzan

Lucy Parsons, la ribelle


Si ricorda troppo spesso Lucy Parsons come “moglie di” Albert Parsons, una delle vittime della repressione del caso diHaymarket Square, giustiziato l’11 novembre 1887. Ora la sua lunga vita di lotta non testimonia che la nascita di un potente movimento sociale e sindacale negli Stati Uniti. Ne fu infatti un’attrice di primo ordine, sviluppando un anarco-sindacalismo che associava anticapitalismo, antirazzismo e antisessismo.

Nascita di una militante anarchica

Lucy è nata nel 1853 nel Texas. Meticcia, secondo la sua testimonianza, di un padre indiano Creek e di una madre messicana, senza dubbio anch’essa di origini afro-americane. Orfana a tre anni, un’infanzia da schiava. Incontra Albert Parsons nel 1870, un vecchio soldato confederato pentito. Si sposano illegalmente – le leggi razziste del Texas proibiscono il matrimonio “interrazziale”. Militante contro il razzismo, Albert è esposto: è minacciato di impiccagione, si prende una pallottola nella gamba. Sua moglie e lui temono per la loro vita e fuggono Waco per Chicago, nel 1873.
Continue reading Lucy Parsons, la ribelle



We’ve received confirmation that Eric has been moved out of solitary confinement to general population. He was even able to return to the pod (group of cells) that he had been in prior to being thrown in the hole, where he has friends and connections. We are hoping that his overall well-being will improve with this move, but are not trusting in CCA Leavenworth to have any consideration for him or any other prisoner.