Tag Archives: Venomous Butterfly Publications

Against the Language of Militancy (en/it)

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Wolfi Landstreicher
Sadly, in recent years, too much of the writing coming out of social conflict is wrought with stiff, wooden language, a tired, dead language that seems to contradict the energy of the rebellions of which they speak. It is the language of militancy, not of freedom, not of individuality creating itself against all odds. Perhaps this is, in part, because many of the present-day conflicts spring from the harshness of the times; they are responses to the hardness of current social, political and economic realities. But how can a response in kind counter these realities? Shouldn’t the very method of our response reflect our rejection of these imposed realities?

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Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism


Insurrectionary anarchism is not an ideological solution to all social problems, a commodity on the capitalist market of ideologies and opinions, but an on-going praxis aimed at putting an end to the domination of the state and the continuance of capitalism, which requires analysis and discussion to advance.  We don’t look to some ideal society or offer an image of utopia for public consumption.  Throughout history, most anarchists, except those who believed that society would evolve to the point that it would leave the state behind, have been insurrectionary anarchists.
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Contro il linguaggio della militanza


Tristemente, negli ultimi anni, fin troppi scritti che provengono dal conflitto sociale sono stati forgiati con un linguaggio rigido, legnoso, un modo di esprimersi stanco, cadaverico, che sembra contraddire l’energia delle rivolte di cui intendono parlare. È il linguaggio della militanza, non della libertà, non dell’individualità che nonostante tutto crea se stessa. Forse questo è dovuto in parte al fatto che molti conflitti odierni sorgono dalla durezza dei tempi; sono la risposta alle attuali realtà sociali, politiche ed economiche. Ma come può una risposta di questo tipo controbattere tali realtà? Il metodo stesso della nostra risposta non dovrebbe riflettere il nostro rifiuto di queste realtà imposte?
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La práctica anarquista como juego subversivo


 [Wolfi Landstreicher]


Cuando descubrí las ideas anarquistas a finales de los años 70, principios de los 80, era común que se hablase de juego subversivo, bajo la influencia de la Internacional Situacionista y de los aspectos positivos de la contracultura. Hay mucho a ganar pensando nuestra práctica en estos términos. En particular pienso que considerar la práctica revolucionaria anarquista como un juego subversivo es una buena manera de comprender los objetivos, principios y métodos anarquistas que constituyen la base de desarrollo de nuestras estrategias y tácticas.
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Yo sueño a colores


Wolfi Landstreicher

Blanco y negro ─ estos dos colores han definido mucho del paisaje social estadounidense, proyectando su sombra sobre los conflictos sociales. Si hoy en los documentos oficiales y en los estudios académicos la “diversidad” y el “multiculturalismo” son reconocidos, en el fondo, la dicotomía entre gente “blanca” y aquellos que no son blancos se mantiene como la definición predominante de la “diferencia”, debido a que es una muy útil herramienta en las manos de aquellos que nos gobiernan.
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Social transformation- or the abolition of society


by Feral Faun

“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest” Webster’s New World Dictionary
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A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique


 Wolfi Landstreicher


So the anarchist individualist as I mean it has nothing to wait for […] I already considered myself an anarchist and could not wait for the collective revolution to rebel myself or for communism to obtain my freedom.

— Renzo Novatore
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