This text by anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva is about his interrogation by Italian police who came to Germany to demand information about the FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), an subversive anarchist network who have been responsible for attacks against various targets within Italy. Gabriel is accused of being a “leader” of some kind, this move against Gabriel betrays the kind of ignorance which is endemic within police forces around the globe. Anarchists neither want nor need leaders of any kind – For the spreading of the struggle appropriate to the means available!
Dear comrades,
As you already know, sometime ago an article appeared on the italian newspaper “La Stampa”, where i have been accused of being the ” ideologue” of FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), the “red thread” linked to the last ” attacks” happened in Italy, to “preach” an “extremely individualistic” anarchism and so on.
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