The Federal Public Ministry (MPF-Ministério Público Federal) received complaints from the Xikrin Indigenous People who yesterday (May 25) were received with grenades and rubber bullets upon attempting to enter the Belo Monte construction site to talk with representatives of Norte Energia S.A., responsible for the construction project. According to the reports, approximately 20 indigenous persons went, peacefully and unarmed to the site, to call for the fulfillment of the indigenous conditions [stipulated in the construction contract].
Continue reading Indigenous people Denounce Aggressions at Belo Monte construction site (brazil)
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Räumung der Pizzeria Anarchia in Wien am 28.07.2014 verhindern! (de/en/es)
RÄUMUNG der Pizzeria Anarchia in Wien am 28.07.2014 VERHINDERN!
Die Pizzeria Anarchia ist ein besetztes Haus in Wien. Unser Haus!
Continue reading Räumung der Pizzeria Anarchia in Wien am 28.07.2014 verhindern! (de/en/es)
Dalla viva voce di un prigioniero FIES (2000)
Il mio trasferimento a Huelva è dovuto ai seguenti motivi: a Picassent Josè Manuel Luengos Fernandez (attualmente a Jaen II), Bernardo Sevilla Borrego (attualmente a Cordoba) e io, abbiamo fatto lo sciopero della fame del dicembre 2000 e poi altri 18 giorni a marzo. Come risposta la direzione di Picassent II, aumenta la repressione e noi rispondiamo con lo scontro diretto attraverso espressioni verbali e la disubbidienza.
Continue reading Dalla viva voce di un prigioniero FIES (2000)
Can Vies Demo (bcn) SOLIDARIDAD
Escrito de Thomas Meyer Falk, 17 años, una valoración general. (Alemania) 2013
6 de junio de 2013
Tras haber estado encarcelado casi 17 años seguidos, me enviarán a “detención preventiva” el 8 de julio de 2013 (Sicherungsverwahrung, término usado en Alemania para la “detención de seguridad”
de lxs reclusxs que han completado toda su condena, pero se les considera un riesgo para la “seguridad pública” y, por ello, se les mantiene encarceladxs después del final de la pena), por lo que quiero aprovechar el periodo final de mi sentencia a prisión para escribir una especie de valoración general.
Continue reading Escrito de Thomas Meyer Falk, 17 años, una valoración general. (Alemania) 2013
Horst Fantazzini (29 novembre 2000)
Carissime compagne e compagni,
finalmente dopo tante vicissitudini la lunga storia carceraria di Horst Fantazzini sembra volgere al termine. Sono passati tantissimi anni, Horst era rinchiuso dagli anni ’60, per la precisione dal 1968 (anche se precedentemente, cioè dal 1960, si era già fatto alcuni anni di galera), ma con la prospettiva di rimanerci ancora fino al 2017 e dintorni. Secondo alcuni calcoli, fino al 2021 o anche 2024, dato che ancora le condanne si sommavano e in fila indiana davano un risultato fantascientifico.
Continue reading Horst Fantazzini (29 novembre 2000)
Paramilitaries Shoot at Tribe Over “Forest Reserves” in Philippines
17th May 2014. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned, and demands an investigation into the actions of the security guards and their employer landlord for shooting at, and holding at gunpoint, indigenous people who were to occupy their ancestral land in Quezon, Bukidnon.
Continue reading Paramilitaries Shoot at Tribe Over “Forest Reserves” in Philippines
Another Mink Hunt Stopped in their Tracks
Bristol Hunt Sabs were out in the countryside yesterday with several other Sab groups with one goal: finding the Devon and Cornwall Mink Hounds and shutting them down.
Continue reading Another Mink Hunt Stopped in their Tracks
“El Derecho al Ocio y a la Expropiación Individual” de Severino Di Giovanni
En 1933 los sectores anarquistas revolucionarios de Montevideo publicaban, a través de la revista “Afirmación” (1), un potente texto de un compañero que firmaba como Briand. El escrito ( titulado “El derecho al ocio y a la expopiación individual” ) reivindicaba la expropiación como un medio legítimo de lucha de la clase obrera. El original había sido escrito en italiano y publicado en Nueva York por la revista “L’Aldunata dei Refrattari”, una de las revistas anarquistas insurreccionales más importantes de aquel entonces, que difundía algunas de las posiciones más claras y combativas del proletariado.
Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism
by sasha k.
From the text:
Insurrectionary anarchism is not an ideological solution to all social problems, a commodity on the capitalist market of ideologies and opinions, but an on-going praxis aimed at putting an end to the domination of the state and the continuance of capitalism, which requires analysis and discussion to advance. We don’t look to some ideal society or offer an image of utopia for public consumption.
Continue reading Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism