Tag Archives: Elephant Editions
Alfredo Maria Bonanno
Siamo sempre stati contrari alle elezioni. Di qualsiasi forma e natura. Politiche, amministrative, zonali, sindacali, scolastiche, ecc…
La partecipazione alle elezioni implica la delega, cioè la cessione di se stessi nelle mani di altri. I più si fanno affascinare da programmi ideologici e da parole facili. Gli anarchici non sono mai caduti nell’equivoco.
Chi partecipa al potere è potere esso stesso. Non esiste – del potere – una gestione ottimale. Ne esiste una migliore e una peggiore, ma dal profondo della dittatura alla superficie (apparentemente) dorata della democrazia permissiva, per gli sfruttati, si tratta sempre di ubbidire, fare sacrifici, accettare la divisione di classe, sperare che i dominatori concedano qualcosa.
What are anarchists?
Who do anarchists struggle against
– Against the State seen as the centralised organisation of power in all spheres (administrative, financial, political, military, etc.)
– Against government which is the political executive organ of the State and makes all decisions concerning repression, exploitation, control, etc.
-Against Capitalism which can be considered both as the flux of productive relations in course and individual capitalists, their activity, their projects and their complicity in this form
– Against the individual parts that the State and capital are divided into. In other words the police, judiciary, the army, school, newspapers, television, trade unions, the large multinational firms, etc.
– Against the family, which forms the essential nucleus upon which the State structure is based
– Against the world of politics, therefore against political parties (all of them), Parliament which is the expression of bourgeois democracy, and the political ideology which serves to mask real social problems
– Against fascists and all the other instruments of repression used by the State and Capital
– Against religion and the Church which constitute a potent ally to repression
– Against the army which is an armed force that is used against the people
– Against prisons which institutionalise the repression of the poorest of the exploited classes
– Against asylums which repress the different
What false ideas do anarchists struggle against
– Against reformism which wants to set social problems right by using laws, political parties, parliaments, referendums, votes, etc.
– Against efficientism which wants to reduce man to an automat always capable of working and obeying
– Against humanitarianism which calls for peace and safety of an abstract idea of man but does not act concretely to attack class enemies
– Against nonviolence which blocks the just violence of the exploited which is their only arm of liberation
– Against patriotism which feeds the absurd idea of the homeland in preference to other nations, whereas the exploited have no homeland but are brothers of the exploited of the whole world
– Against militarism which justifies the function of armies with the swindle that their role is the defence of the homeland
– Against racism which defines a part of the human race as inferior
– Against male chauvinism which reduces women to sex objects
– Against feminism which closes itself within an asphyxiating inverted male chauvinism
– Against the delegate which separates the exploited from direct action
– Against hierarchy which educates towards social stratification
– Against obedience which represses all individuality
– Against authority which prevents the autonomous development of the individual
– Against progressivism, a modern version of evolutionism which is the ideological covering of reformism
– Against economism which puts the economics at the centre of the history of class exploitation
-Against trade unionism which is the direct product of economism and which means to limit the class struggle to claiming at the level of the workplace. Anarcho-syndicalism, with all its revolutionary declarations does not escape this reformist limitation
What anarchists want
– Abolition of the State, Government, Capitalism, the family, religion, the army, prisons, asylums and every form of power which uses the law to force others to do something. Therefore refusal also of any kind of workers’ or socialist State and of any form of dictatorship of the proletariat
– Elimination of the private property of land, the tools of labour, materials, machines, factories, the land and anything else required for the production of what is necessary in order to live
-Abolition of salaried work and reduction of work to a minimum organised by individual groups federated on the basis of their own aptitudes and sympathies as well as on the basis of their own needs
– Substitution of the traditional family with life in common based on love and reciprocal affinity and on the basis of real sexual equality
– Organisation of life, such as that of production, based on free associations differing according to the problems to be faced, interests to be defended and affinities to be developed. The whole of these organisations federated on a local basis, by groups of communes, then widening the relations to a larger federation until it reaches the maximum possible of the liberated areas of the revolution
– Education free and aimed at an awakening of individual aptitude which in a liberated society will be meaningful only in the limits in which this liberation is realised
– The spreading of atheism and anti-religious propaganda, always necessary because on these problems even the liberation that has come about cannot exercise more than a limited clarification
– Completion of the social revolution until all domination of man over man be abolished.
The means anarchists want to use
– The specific anarchist organisation which is an active minority of conscious individuals who share personal and political affinity and give themselves the aim of calling on the exploited to organise themselves with a view to revolution.
– A federation of different anarchist groups who while changing nothing of their particular specific structure, link with each other with informal, federative pacts in order to better coordinate their own action
– Propaganda to explain through books, pamphlets, newspapers, leaflets, graffiti, etc. what the intentions of the ruling structure are and the dangers facing the exploited. Also to supply indications of the anarchist struggle and show who anarchists are, or to urge the exploited to rebel, denouncing the consequences of obedience and resignation
– The struggle to claim better conditions – Although we are not reformists, the struggle to obtain improvements in one’s immediate situation (wages, habitation, health, education, occupational, etc.) sees anarchists present although they do not see these moments as ends in themselves. They push the exploited towards this form of struggle so that they can develop the elements of self-organisation and refusal of the delegate which are indispensable in order to develop direct action at all other levels
– Violent struggle to realise the social revolution along with the exploited. The attack against the class enemy (State, government, capital, church, etc.) must necessarily be violent, in the case of the contrary it would only be a sterile protest and would determine a reinforcement of class dominion. This attack could be:
a) isolated attacks against individual structures or people who are responsible for repression
b) an insurrectional attack by a specific minority
c) a mass insurrectional attack
d) a mass revolutionary attack
Each of these levels, starting from the first, may or may not create the conditions leading to the successive one to develop. Political and economic analyses can foresee this possibility within certain limits, but cannot give an absolute response: action itself is the only test for action. The moral foundation of violent struggle already exists in the fact of repression as it has been exercised by power for centuries.
from ‘Revolution, Violence, anti-authoritarianism’, Elephant Editions
NOTTETEMPO Op. (italy)
Lecce, Italy – Sentence of the Nottetempo appeal trial (9th December 2010)
14 December 2010
As usually goes with the justice of the system, things turned badly for the comrades on trial: not only have some of the requests of the public prosecutor been accepted but those who had been acquitted in the first grade of the trial have also been charged.
The story is by now well known. Operation Nottetempo started in May 2005 when searches were carried out all over Italy and five comrades from Lecce were arrested and detained for almost two years in preventive arrest. The main reason for this judicial operation against anarchists was the tenacious struggle the comrades had undertaken against the notorious detention centre for immigrants Regina Pacis (which eventually closed down also thanks to that struggle), run by the church and situated in Salento (Lecce), the southernmost area of the Puglia region (southern Italy).
Continue reading NOTTETEMPO Op. (italy)
Revolutionary Solidarity
from Elephant Editions pamphlet Revolutionary Solidarity
introduction by
Daniela Carmignani
The concept of solidarity is not only used and abused by the various reformist syndicalist and humanitarian movements and even power itself, it is also sadly emptied of any content by many anarchists. The levelling is such as to reveal a symbolic attitude worthy of the Church but which allows us to put our conscience at rest.
Counter-information and propaganda in the lead, demonstrations (true processions), then nothing, provoke a feeling of powerlessness, a pernicious frustration that sees justification open the way to resignation.
We discover that everything crumbles there where the mentality of the group and quantity thought it was strong. Nothing changes as we enter a vicious circle with mournful calls to a miserable bartering with the State one wanted to fight.
When individuals find themselves alone at night, no longer supported by “collective strength”, the arms of Morpheus transform the imprisoned comrades one wanted to support, to whom one wanted to express one’s solidarity, into a real nightmare with no escape.
So! Should we no longer show solidarity to imprisoned comrades given that it serves no end?
Never! A movement that is not capable of looking after its comrades in prison is destined to die, and that at a high price under atrocious torture.
The reflection must be made in other terms. What does it mean to express revolutionary solidarity? Basically the reply is not all that difficult.
Solidarity lies in action. Action that sinks its roots in one’s own project that is carried an coherently and proudly too, especially in times when it might be dangerous even to express one’s ideas publicly. A project that expresses solidarity with joy in the game of life that above all makes us free ourselves, destroys alienation, exploitation, mental poverty, opening up infinite spaces devoted to experimentation and the continual activity of one’s mind in a project aimed at realising itself in insurrection.
A project which is not specifically linked to the repression that has struck our comrades but which continues to evolve and make social tension grow, to the point of making it explode so strongly that the prison walls fall down by themselves.
A project which is a point of reference and stimulus for the imprisoned comrades, who in turn are point of reference for it. Revolutionary solidarity is the secret that destroys all walls, expressing love and rage at the same time as one’s own insurrection in the struggle against Capital and the State.
Continue reading THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE (Elephant Editions)
THE ANGRY BRIGADE – Documents and chronology
Shows some extent of the armed struggle that was carried out in Britain in the late sixties and early seventies, reproposing the validity of armed attack against capital in all its forms.
Angry Brigade 1967-1984 : Documents & Chronology (Elephant Editions)
Continue reading THE ANGRY BRIGADE – Documents and chronology
The Unwanted Children of Capital (Elephant Editions)
To the immigrants
The borders of democracy,
Immigrant murdered, comrades in jail
For those who didn’t run for cover
Collusion between the Church, the State and the Mafia
The struggle against Regina Pacis
Solidarity actions and events
Revolts in Turin, Milan and Bologna
Destroy borders! Destroy slavery!
Destroy all borders and prisons!
Belgium: solidarity against all borders
Greece: Hands off the Immigrants!
Continue reading The Unwanted Children of Capital (Elephant Editions)
Anarchists in the Face of the New Capitalist Order
Alfredo M. Bonanno
Comrades, before starting this talk, a couple of words in order to get to know each other better. In conferences a barrier is nearly always created between whoever is talking and those who are listening. So, in order to overcome this obstacle we must try to come to some agreement because we are here to do something together, not simply to talk on the one hand and listen on the other. And this common interest needs to be clearer than ever given the questions about to be discussed this evening. Often the complexity of the analyses and the difficulty of the problems that are being tackled separate the person who is talking from those who are listening, pushing many comrades into a passive dimension. The same thing happens when we read a difficult book which only interests us up to a point, a book with a title such as Anarchism and Post-industrial Society, for example. I must confess that if I were to see such a book in a shop window, I’m not sure I’d buy it.
Continue reading Anarchists in the Face of the New Capitalist Order
Introduction to the english edition of “Angry Brigade” by Jean Weir (en/fr)
Continue reading Introduction to the english edition of “Angry Brigade” by Jean Weir (en/fr)