“Bir kaç yıl içerisinde, Amerika’daki anarşist çevrelerde isyan ve sosyal çatışma temalarına öncelik veren küçük bir akım görünürlük elde etti. Herhangi bir ideolojik çevre gibi, uzaktan bakıldığından çok daha farklı. Bazı anlatımları, çatışmayı reformlar elde etmenin araçları olarak değil, sadece kendi için vurgular; diğerleri isyanı statik örgütlerin dışında ezilenlerin iktidarını inşa etmenin araçları olarak planlar. Ortak konu başlıkları, formel kurumların eleştirisi ve kendi merkezi temaları olarak saldırıya odaklanmaktır. ONLINE OKU / İNDİR
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Tag Archives: pamphlet
Νέες κυκλοφορίες: Ελλάδα, Γαλλία
Κυκλοφορία περιοδικής επιθεώρησης: “Επιθεώρηση Φωτιάς”
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Revolutionary Solidarity: A Critical Reader for Accomplices
01.20.15 – Check out this new reader that compiles some of the best texts that critique “ally” politics as well as the closely linked, ‘non-profit industrial complex.’ As the text, ‘Accomplices not Allies” writes: “The ally industrial complex has been established by activists whose careers depend on the “issues” they work to address…Ally has also become an identity, disembodied from any real mutual understanding of support. The term ally has been rendered ineffective and meaningless…But we need to know who has our backs, or more appropriately: who is with us, at our sides?” As the riots and moments of youthful rebellion often give way to more reformist efforts, this collection of texts will hopefully be a tool to begin and continue conversations with everyone who rejects the Left’s managers of revolt.
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The Utopian Communard Project
The Utopian Communard Project Primer by The Utopian Communard Project Primer by Asger Strodl
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The Evolution of Cities
The Evolution of Cities by Élisée Reclus
Published by Jura Media
English – 24 pages
Originally published in The Contemporary Review in 1895.
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[Buch] Chrisso und Odoteo: Barbaren – Unordentlicher Aufruhr
Vor kurzem ist eine deutsche Übersetzung des Italienischen Buches Barbari erschienen, eine Kritik des Empires von Antonio Negri. Das Buch befindet sich im Umlauf und sollte bald in den verschiedenen Infoläden aufzutreiben sein. Ein Auszug aus dem Buch:
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Announcing Ill Will Editions, a Multilingual Zine Project
Ill Will Editions is a relatively new multilingual zine-making project currently based in Berlin. Our focus is on anarchy, anti-politics, proletarian insurrection, trans-feminism, afropessimism, anti-prison & anti-cop activity. We envision this project as a contribution to a transatlantic circulation of theory, local analyses, and exchange around the varied forms that revolt and rebellion has taken and will continue to take.
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A Squatters Guide to Belfast
“You can’t squat in Belfast. Why? Because you… well you just can’t.” – Les Enfant Sans Souci
Draconian laws. Psycho cops. Paramilitaries. Hoods with petrol bombs. Squatting in Northern Ireland presents us with its own unique set of challenges. The very existence of these challenges has been used (and is still used) by generations of hippies, anarchists, punks and autonomists (traditional overt squatters) as an excuse not to bother trying. Not that Northern Ireland is particularly bad in this regard; in every thriving squat scene in Europe, from Amsterdam to Barcelona to London, people report the hardest bit was overcoming the initial fear and pessimism. In Helsinki, Dublin and Belgrade people are just beginning to take part in overt political squatting again and are encountering much the same nihilist apathy, at least initially.
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The Misrepresentation of Portugese Anarchism
The Almost Perfect Crime – The Misrepresentation of Portugese Anarchism by Julio Carrapato
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