Tag Archives: turkey

Istanbul: Construction machine sabotaged by ‘FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia’ (Turkey)


A night in Bagcılar… we were at the foot of the Beast

Even though, the deepest darkness of the night is thought to hide all of this system’s infamies, it also becomes accomplice to some furious hookers who want to destroy this shit before the dawn. Although street lights, shop lights, surveillance cameras and MOBESEs sure- the eyes and ears of the State- prowl to betray us by giving a feeling like we’re under the surveillance of a rapist, this can not prevent us from transforming our rage against this rotten system to action by coalescing with shadows which remain for us from the night.
Continue reading Istanbul: Construction machine sabotaged by ‘FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia’ (Turkey)

ALF in Istanbul: Further actions in 2014


April 30th, 2014, Istanbul: 18 ducklings and 18 chicks were liberated from a street peddler who was trying to sell them in a tiny box. The action was claimed by the Animal Liberation Front, in solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan.

July 28th, 2014, Istanbul: 2 rabbits were freed from a pet shop in Beyoğlu-Taksim area. An ALF cell claimed the action against industry and civilization, stating that being vegan is not enough since animals are being held in cages, tortured and slaughtered all over the world, and this violence should be stopped.

July 30th, 2014, Istanbul: 3 milk trucks were sabotaged in a busy street of a district in the European side of the city. Front tires were slashed, and door locks and load locks were glued. Residents realized what went on, so ALF activists hurriedly moved away. However, while escaping, they threw stones at the windows of a fast food store.



According to an anonymous report on VeHaber.org, four hamsters, two rabbits and one bird were freed from a pet store.

“Hayvan satışının yasak olmasına rağmen devam eden petshopların zulmüne sessiz kalmadık. Bazı bölgelerde hayvan tacirlerini uyardık. Uyarılarımıza aldırış etmeyen petshoplara ise ziyaret düzenlemeye başladık. Yaptığımız ziyaret neticesinde bir petshoptan 4 hamster, 2 tavşan ve 1 kuş kurtardık. Son kafes kırılana dek!”


Sosyal Savaş Dergi 3. sayı çıktı ! [Güncellendi]



Sosyal Savas

Kapitalizme, devlete ve topyekün uygarlığa karşı kurtuluş mücadelelerinden uluslar ötesi rapor ve haber yayınlayan SOSYAL SAVAŞ web sayfasının hazırlamakta olduğu, siteyle aynı adı taşıyan anarşist yayın Sosyal Savaş’ın üçüncü sayısı nihayet baskıdan çıktı.
Continue reading Sosyal Savaş Dergi 3. sayı çıktı ! [Güncellendi]

Özgür Ortak Alan 1903: Beşiktaş, Sinanpaşa’da işgal girişimi


Bugün öğle saatlerinde anarşist ve farklı sol eğilimlerden yaklaşık 50 kişilik grup Beşiktaş, Kartal Heykeli önünde buluşarak Sinanpaşa’da bulunan 40 yıldır kullanılmayan eski Rum okulunu işgal etmek istedi. Aktivistlerin niyeti mekanı özgürleştirmek ve ticari olmayan bir sosyal merkeze çevirmekti.

Continue reading Özgür Ortak Alan 1903: Beşiktaş, Sinanpaşa’da işgal girişimi