Tag Archives: 1922

Giroshin Sha – An anarchist-illegalist cell, formed in Japan in the early 20th century


“Giroshin Sha” (Guillotine Society) was an anarchist – illegalist cell, formed in Japan in 1922. This cell expropriated banks, in order to finance its activities.

“Giroshin Sha” attempted to execute the general Masataro Fukuda twice, who was in the group which was responsible for the assassination of the most prominent anarchist writer of his time in Japan, Osugi Sakae.

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El 15 de Noviembre de 1922 y el papel de los anarquistas en el seno de la clase obrera ecuatoriana

(Imagen de la Huelga del 15 de Noviembre de 1922, Guayaquil)

El 15 de Noviembre de 1922, fueron asesinadas cerca de 1000 personas en la ciudad de Guayaquil por exigir sus derechos, por luchar por una vida digna. Sus cadáveres llenos de plomo fueron enterrados en fosas comunes, las cuales hasta el día de hoy no han sido encontradas, y sin encontrar satisfacción en aquello, los hijos de Marte abrieron sus vientres para que no flotasen al ser lanzados al río Guayas.

El 15 de Noviembre de 1922 y el papel de los anarquistas en el interior de la clase trabajadora ecuatoriana.

“Pero el 15 de Noviembre; hizo el milagro de apartar las clases. (…) El PUEBLO
miró en aquellos convulsos momentos, quienes eran los que le disparaban
ocultos desde sus ventanas, y de que clase social eran las manos
blancas que aplaudieron a la soldadesca sanguinaria que
cantando aires marciales desfilaron a lo largo de la
siempre ensangrentada AVENIDA

José Alejo Capelo Cabello.
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Materiali di riflessione sul primo fascismo e i tentativi di opporvisi.

antifa[1].cz 8

Continuiamo a rendere disponibili vecchi e nuovi materiali di analisi e di critica radicale e sovversiva, confidando che questo possa dare continuamente nuovi spunti per operare nel quotidiano odierno contro cio` che ci affligge e contro i nostri nemici materiali, lo Stato il capitale i loro servi e cani da guardia, ed immateriali, e cioe` le nostre paure.

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Il dialogo della giustizia

RD4 Yosemite National Park, ca. 1922

Han Ryner
Avendo udito Socrate adulare il talento di Eutidemo e sapendo che costui voleva dedicarsi alla politica, cercò l’occasione propizia per incontrarsi con lui e, vedendolo entrare nella bottega di un bottaio, entrò e l’abbordò con le seguenti parole:
— È vero, caro Eutidemo, che hai letto e collezionato molte opere scritte da uomini che passano per savi?
— È vero, Socrate. Ed ogni giorno continuo a studiare e collezionare tali opere, già che sono per me un tesoro che non finirò mai d’arricchire.

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Centralismo e Anarchismo


Renato Souvarine
Un dio nel «centro» dell’Universo, con tutte le gerarchie, per regolare l’armonia della creazione…; un «centro» ordinatore in terra – con tutti i… partiti provvidenziali – che veda, organizzi, disciplini e comandi per «creare» l’ordine tra gli uomini incapaci – per maledizione divina – di far i propri affari da per loro stessi, tale è l’idea teologica, matrice di tutte le Autorità terrestri. È il centralismo.
L’«ordine (sociale) naturale» scaturito spontaneamente come manifestazione anarchica di tutte le forze vive, contrastanti tra di loro, lasciate in piena libertà, equilibrantesi da per loro stesse, per virtù immanente e peculiare, come a dire per le azioni e le reazioni della universale legge di attrazione e repulsione, reggente e regolante tutti i mondi: l’Universo o la universa vita fisica, vegetale, animale e sociale, senza alcun provvidenziale «centro», esterno e interno, tutelatore, ma unicamente per legge naturale di affinità e di coesione, tale è l’idea naturalista, anarchica. È l’anarchismo.

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Émile Armand (21 texts)


Is the Illegalist Anarchist our Comrade?

Émile Armand (1911)

(Notes: From “L’Illégalist anarchiste, est-il notre camarade?” Paris and Orleans, Editions de “l’en-dehors.” [n.d].Translated for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor.)


When we consider the thief as such we can’t say that we find him less human than other classes of society. The members of the great criminal gangs have mutual relations that are strongly marked with communism. If they represent a survival from a prior age, we can also consider them as the precursors of a better age in the future. In all cities they know where to address themselves so they’ll be received and hidden. Up to a certain point they show themselves to be generous and prodigal towards those of their milieu. If they consider the rich as their natural enemies, as a legitimate prey — a point of view quite difficult to contradict — a large number of them are animated by the sprit of Robin Hood; when it comes to the poor many thieves show themselves to have a good heart.

(Edward Carpenter: Civilization, its Cause and Cure.)

I am not an enthusiast of illegalism. I am an alegal. Illegalism is a dangerous last resort for he who engages in it, even temporarily, a last resort that should neither be preached nor advocated. But the question I propose to study is not that of asking whether or not an illegal trade is perilous or not, but if the anarchist who earns his daily bread by resorting to trades condemned by the police and tribunals is right or wrong to expect that an anarchist who accepts working for a boss treat him as a comrade, a comrade whose point of view we defend in broad daylight and who we don’t deny when he falls into the grips of the police or the decisions of judges. (Unless he asks us to remain silent about his case)
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Et Notre Haine Rit… – Renzo Novatore

Et Notre Haine Rit… – Renzo Novatore

Dans ce bref recueil de textes de ce combattant de l’anarchisme individualiste, la poésie vengeresse et paroxystique croise du regard le browning de l’anarchiste bandit. La ferveur éclatante de la prose d’Abele Rizieri Ferrari, alias Renzo Novatore, en dit long sur ce qui anime celui qui passe à l’acte, qui donne à ses idées le tournant pratique qu’elles impliquent, au prix de la vie, d’une vie menée contre toutes formes d’utopies, contre toutes métaphysiques, le sort d’un certain iconoclaste de La Spezia qui fabriquait des vers comme il fabriquait des grenades.
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Anarquismo y violencia – Errico Malatesta


El siguiente texto fue elaborado a partir de diferentes artículos de Errico Malatesta publicados en la prensa anarquista de principios de siglo pasado, y corresponde al fragmento 5 del capítulo I del libro Malatesta, pensamiento y acción revolucionarios del compilador Vernon Richards.

Anarquismo y violencia[1]
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A Sketch of Alexander Berkman


by Emma Goldman

Taken from The Russian Tragedy (A Review and An Outlook)  (Berlin: Der Syndikalist, 1922).

To write a biographic sketch of even an ordinary man within the limited space at my disposal would be difficult. But to write about one whose personality is so complex and whose life so replete with events as that of Alexander Berkman, is almost an insurmountable task. To do justice to such a rich and colorful subject one must not be so limited by space as I am. Above all, one should be removed, in point of time and distance, from the life to be portrayed. Which is not the case in the present instance.
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