This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.
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Tag Archives: 2002
“Las ganas de derrumbar el mundo han aflorado cada vez que los explotados han sabi-do percibir los hilos que les ligan entre sí, hilos que en cada época han sido rotos y reanudados por diferentes formas de explotación.”
Continue reading Insurrección
Hegel — Introductive Note
Alfredo M. Bonanno (2002)
I am putting together here my studies on Hegel composed between the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies.
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GREEN ANARCHY Magazine (n.6 to n. 25)
An Anti-Civilization Journal of Theory & Action.
Issues listed are the issues which we have PDF’s of or have copies of to create PDF’s of. If you have PDFs of issues that are not listed, please email them to: .
For physical copies of Green Anarchy, please go to the Green Anarchy website to order back issues or to subscribe to it.
–GA Issue 6 (summer 2001)
Continue reading GREEN ANARCHY Magazine (n.6 to n. 25)
SPECIES TRAITOR Zine (2/3/4) 2002-2003
Species Traitor #2
Species Traitor #3
Species Traitor #4
Please contact for physical copies of the Species Traitor zine.
The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)
What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.
Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
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Has The Black Bloc Tactic Reached The End Of It’s Usefulness?
As class struggle anarchists who recognize the importance of a diversity of tactics in order to attack Capital, the State, and oppression in an effective manner, we see the black bloc as an important tool of struggle. Only one tool among many, but an important one nonetheless. However, this by no means implies that we feel it to be in any way above criticism. Indeed, we are very troubled by how black blocs often operate, the manner in which actions are sometimes carried out, and the direction that some black bloc elements seem to want to head in. It is for this reason that we were glad to see the text by our comrades from the Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM). Particularly refreshing was the fact that, unlike many other texts critical of the black bloc, this one was clearly written in a comradely, honest, and constructive fashion. This is the only way in which an effective and useful dialogue on the subject can be had, and our response is with the same spirit and intentions in mind. With that said, we do in fact have several important disagreements with the WSM text, and will attempt to clarify some of our positions in this writing.
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Cliquez sur le texte (en dessous de l’image) pour le journal en ligne, s’il est disponible (n°77-93)
Continue reading CETTE SEMAINE
Turquie : Le DHKP-C revendique l’attaque suicide contre la police
C’est une ancienne prisonnière politique, membre du DHKP-C, qui a mené l’attaque suicide de mardi contre la police à Istanbul. Elif Sultan Kalsen s’est présentée aux policiers du commissariat de Sultanahmet, comme une touriste en affirmant, en anglais, avoir perdu son portefeuille. Jugeant son comportement louche, les agents ont ouvert le feu, blessant la jeune femme à la jambe avant qu’elle ne fasse exploser la charge explosive qu’elle dissimulait. Un policier est décédé, un autre a été plus légèrement atteint.
Dans un message publié sur son site internet, le DHKP-C a revendication l’action comme un acte de représailles contre le régime islamo-conservateur au pouvoir depuis 2002 en Turquie. L’attentat-suicide est intervenu au lendemain de la décision très controversée du Parlement turc de ne pas renvoyer devant la justice quatre ex-membres du gouvernement accusés de corruption dans le cadre du vaste scandale qui a ébranlé fin 2013 le régime du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alors Premier ministre. Le communiqué du DHKP-C y fait mention, et mentionne aussi la mort d’un adolescent, Berkin Elvan, touché à la tête par des grenades lacrymogènes tirées par la police lors de la contestation anti-régime de l’été 2013.
Turquie : Attentat-suicide contre un commissariat de police
Un policier blessé mardi lors d’un attentat-suicide visant un poste de police du quartier touristique de Sultanahmet à Istanbul est décédé de ses blessures à l’hôpital. Un autre policier a été plus légèrement blessé lors de cette attentat, réalisé par une femme non identifiée qui a fait exploser une ceinture d’explosifs. Deux des charges n’ont pas explosées, ce qui a empêché le bilan d’être beaucoup plus lourd.
EDIT : L’attaque à la grenade contre les policiers à Istanbul jeudi a elle été revendiquée par le DHKP-C. Dans une revendication publiée sur son site, le mouvement a expliqué avoir agi en représailles contre le gouvernement islamo-conservateur au pouvoir, après la mort en mars 2014 d’un adolescent, Berkin Elvan, décédé des suites de ses blessures infligées par la police lors des manifestations dirigées contre le régime en juin 2013.
Dalla Politica alla Vita
Wolfi Landstreicher
Fin dai tempi in cui per la prima volta si è definito movimento radicale autonomo, l’anarchismo è stato associato alla sinistra. Un’associazione il più delle volte problematica. I militanti di sinistra con un incarico di potere (compresi quelli anarchici, come i capi della C.N.T. e della F.A.I. nella Spagna del 1936-37) hanno sempre considerato d’ostacolo ai propri programmi politici il fine anarchico della trasformazione totale della vita — e il conseguente principio secondo cui i fini dovrebbero essere già insiti nei mezzi di lotta impiegati. L’insorgenza reale è sempre scoppiata altrove rispetto a qualsivoglia programma politico e gli anarchici più coerenti hanno intravisto la possibilità di realizzare i loro sogni proprio in un luogo sconosciuto ed altro. Tuttavia, a più riprese, quando i fuochi dell’insurrezione si raffreddavano (e talvolta perfino mentre bruciavano ancora ardentemente, come nel 1936-37), i leader anarchici hanno finito coll’assumere il ruolo di «coscienza della sinistra». Ma se l’espansione dell’utopia anarchica ed i principi ad essa connessi sono stati un ostacolo agli schemi politici della sinistra, questi schemi hanno costituito un ben più pesante macigno attorno al collo del movimento anarchico, appesantendolo con quel “realismo” che non sa sognare.
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