Tag Archives: 2008

Articles from “Machete” #1

Various Authors


The Machete

The machete is a long knife with a single edge, particularly intended for opening a way when you find yourself surrounded by a hostile environment that prevents you from going down your path, paralyzing all movement. The Machete isn’t elegant; it doesn’t have the discretion of the dagger or the precision of the scalpel. When it strikes, it doesn’t distinguish between the innocent flower and the noxious weed, and it destroys both without distinctions. Heavy and uncomfortable to carry, the Machete can prove indispensable in difficult situations, when there is no time to lose in scientific calculations, exploratory reconnaissance, diplomatic consultations. If need be, it can even be used as an offensive tool. And then — it is said — it can become a terrifying weapon.

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Why we want the destruction of retention centers (2008)

Non Fides


Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication “Non Fides”, translated from the french. It was distributed in french cities and in front of the Vincennes retention center which was burnt down after the revolt of its prisoners.

A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in french) is a prison for illegal immigrants, people imprisoned for up to 80 days before their expulsion from the country. There have been many revolts over the past years both inside and outside these prisons. But there has also been a lot of repression for some anarchist comrades who are still in prison, some of them accused of terrorism. More information about these cases in english here: www.non-fides.fr

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The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarchoprimitivism

Ted Kaczynski

1. As the Industrial Revolution proceeded, modern society created for itself a self-congratulatory myth, the myth of “progress”: From the time of our remote, ape-like ancestors, human history had been an unremitting march toward a better and brighter future, with everyone joyously welcoming each new technological advance: animal husbandry, agriculture, the wheel, the construction of cities, the invention of writing and of money, sailing ships, the compass, gunpowder, the printing press, the steam engine, and, at last, the crowning human achievement-modern industrial society! Prior to industrialization, nearly everyone was condemned to a miserable life of constant, backbreaking labor, malnutrition disease, and an early death. Aren’t we so lucky that we live in modern times and have lots of leisure and an array of technological conveniences to make our lives easy? Today I think there are relatively few thoughtful, honest and well-informed people who still believe in this myth. To lose one’s faith in “progress” one has only to look around and see the devastation of our environment, the spread of nuclear weapons, the excessive frequency of depression, anxiety disorders and psychological stress, the spiritual emptiness of a society that nourishes itself principally with television and computer games … one could go on and on.

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“The 11th November, our team used devices against VALETTE’S trucks and cars in Gourdon, France. We put gaz system in the truck cab near the building. This French company torture and murder ducks in order to make foie gras. We want to stop this horror.

Next time, we will target their buildings…

ALF France”

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11 vehicles (cars, trucks and vans) at the Valette foie gras company in Gourdon, France were destroyed by fire early on the morning of November 11. According to media reports, a gas canister was found inside one of the vehicles. (photos: ladepeche.fr)


Perchè siamo contro le carceri, tutte le carceri? 2008


Diciamo cose semplici, perché siamo spiriti semplici.
I pensieri, i desideri, i sogni che cerchiamo di esprimere appartengono all’umanità fin dall’alba del suo apparire. Uno stuolo infinito di legislatori, politici, esperti, intellettuali e altri sostenitori di idee autorizzate hanno complicato ad arte le domande, facendo sentire sciocchi e inferiori tante donne e tante uomini che si sono sempre riferiti all’unico libro in cui si può trovare qualche risposta: quello dell’esperienza vissuta.
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Continuo de represión y lucha durante los últimos años (Septiembre 2014 #1)


o represivo, nuestras palabras y convicciones antiautoritarias no se deshacen o diluyen camufladas. Por el contrario, éstas se elevan guiando nuestro caminar.
Se trata entonces de no dar pasos hacia atrás, cediendo terreno al enemigo, a lxs poderosxs de cualquier uniforme u oficio, se trata de no invisibilizar o normalizar las jugadas que emanan de la represión, pero tampoco caer en la histeria que propicia el desbande y alimenta el miedo.
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Sicilia Libertaria (giornale)


Un’esperienza unica nel suo genere, quello delle pubblicazioni anarchiche, che dura da 34 anni; giornalismo libertario ed internazionalista con le radici nel sud Italia ed in Sicilia, che nel corso della sua esistenza ha ospitato sulle sue pagine compagni italiani e non, occupandosi di lavoro, sociale, bassa politica locale, cinema e musica, anticlericalismo, biografie storiche, sostenendo lotte sociali ed iniziative proprie ed altrui, in maniera congrua allo spirito che contraddistingue da sempre il Movimento anarchico: l’informazione è la forza ed il sostegno delle utopie.
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