When I was a kid the world didn’t have the sort of instant gratification now expected for all transactions, and thank goodness. You can really appreciate the value of something more once you’ve clipped five proof of purchases, put them into an envelope, mailed them away, and waited 6 to 8 weeks for your Zartan action figure to arrive. Distribution for the Black Cat Sabotage book worked the same way – you clipped an ad out of a zine and mailed it in along with concealed cash. A few months later a copy showed up in a nondescript envelope. I still remember when mine was delivered…
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Tag Archives: elf
Marseille, France: Prisoner letter writing workshop in solidarity with ELF/ALF prisoner Rebecca Rubin and Gaël in Nantes (en/fr)
9 cars burnt in Mulheim, Germany, by Wildfire Cell – ALF/ELF/FAI (en/es)
In the early hours of February 14th, we set fire to the urban-cemetary of Mulheim An Der Ruhr, burning nine cars by placing home made incendiary devices on the tires. To us all cars are equally disgusting and toxic machines of the techno-industrial system, so we burn them indiscriminately, choosing not to limit ourselves to targeting some abstract definition of “luxury” cars.
Continue reading 9 cars burnt in Mulheim, Germany, by Wildfire Cell – ALF/ELF/FAI (en/es)
Santiago: Jornada por la Liberación de la Tierra / Por la Liberación Total (23/01)
Continue reading Santiago: Jornada por la Liberación de la Tierra / Por la Liberación Total (23/01)
Os presentamos nuestra edición del texto “Memorias de Libertad”, de la Western Wildlife Unit del Frente de Liberación Animal, la cual hemos hecho recientemente, después de notar una ausencia de este texto en los principales circuítos de difusión de propaganda antiautoritaria o transversal al menos a la perspectiva anarquista de la práctica de la acción directa clandestina por la liberación total.
Hemos corregido algunas faltas orWestern Wildlife Unittográficas y maquetado el texto añadiendo imágenes para intentar amenizar la lectura. Por lo demás, ni el texto ni su traducción al castellano han sido cosa nuestra, y queremos agradecer su trabajo a las individualidades anónimas que en su día se encargaron de traducirlo. Sin más, os dejamos con la introducción al fanzine, que sirve también como presentación.
Sentiros libres de descargar y difundir libremente el material.
December 7th: Ten years later
Ten years ago today, I was finishing up stuffing holiday cards for my employer when 2 beefy men asked me if i was indeed, Daniel McGowan. Once I was handcuffed and being frog-marched through the office, I knew what it was about.
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Here’s How One Activist Convinced the FBI to Leave Him Alone
Newly released FBI documents confirm what some activist groups have argued for years: when FBI agents come knocking, the best response is to shut the door and call the press.
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Action and Response
There has been an uproar, stemming from the logical and important critique of activism, that fears the reemergence of a civil disobedience ethic. On the other side of action, theoretically, sits ITS. The Individualists Tending Towards the Wild (ITS) are individuals who have sent bombs to numerous universities, professors, researchers, as well as journalists and non-profits in the name of wild human nature. ITS has its cut throat communiqués stylized to provoke anger and wrought with strands of logic pulled harshly and quickly together, making arguments that seem pointless to engage with. In its communiqués ITS, though contradictory at times, aims to be another theoretical bullet (as opposed to the actual bombs) against the plague of pointless property destruction and “sentimental environmentalism”. Swallowed in is indeed civil disobedience and all other actions that would seem trivial (including non-human targeted arson as they have specifically named ELF as a sentimental “group”) in the face of a bomb.
My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys
An Interview with Rod Coronado.
The inspiring Native American earth warrior and animal liberationist Rod Coronado paid a visit to Brighton a little while back. Finally free to speak after years on the run, in prison and then with parole conditions banning him from engaging in any political activity, he made the best of it by going on a speaking tour around the UK. He managed to spare some time out of his schedule for a chat with Do or Die…
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L’esoterismo nazista di Exile e Sadie, ex prigionieri ELF/Green Scare
Abbiamo tradotto l’articolo delle compagne e dei compagni di New York per portare un’esperienza vissuta da chi sta incorrendo nei nostri stessi problemi e che può darci degli elementi in più per riflettere sulle infiltrazioni dell’estrema destra. Per molti non sarà una novità leggere la notizia di Exile e Sadie fascist* e attivist* ELF, ma vogliamo darle eco perché pensiamo possa essere un episodio di cui tener conto, perché ci ribadisce quanto l’anarco-nazionalismo si stia diffondendo, seppur ancora più radicato e presente negli States che da noi, e come là cercano di affrontarlo; inoltre perché non abbiamo trovato una traduzione italiana e perché la tematica non può che interessarci.
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