Tag Archives: 1997

(1997) Libelo Nº2. Boletín político desde la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad. Santiago de Chile (Sin Prisa pero Sin Pausa)


Libelo N°2 Junio 1997.

Segundo número de la revista llamada “Libelo” del colectivo Libelo, que luego con el pasar del tiempo daría forma al colectivo Kamina Libre. Rescatamos este boletín, difundiendo y colectivizandolo en la sección “Sin Prisa, pero Sin Pausa” buscando rescatar la memoria anticarcelaria en las distintas expresiones y luchas contra la cárcel a lo largo de la historia.
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Chiusi a chiave. Una riflessione sul carcere

Chiusi a chiave

Dedichiamo questo opuscolo a tutti i compagni anarchici prigionieri


Il testo che qui pubblichiamo è la sbobinatura di una conferenza sul carcere – tenutasi nel marzo 1993 presso il Laboratorio anarchico di via Paglietta a Bologna – già pubblicata nel libro Affinità e organizzazione informale delle Edizioni Anarchismo. Tale conferenza viene qui ripresentata con poche correzioni dell’autore e una sua Nota introduttiva scritta nel carcere di Rebibbia, dove attualmente [1997] si trova prigioniero insieme a molti altri anarchici.

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African Anarchism: The history of a movement


The first book ever written on this subject, African Anarchism was co-written by Sam Mbah and fellow Nigerian, I.E. Igariway. After dealing with questions such as what anarchism is and isn’t, this groundbreaking book introduces the reader to anarchistic elements in traditional African societies, with a focus on Nigeria. It also examines the influence of anarchism on African national liberation struggles, and the failure of State Socialist governments in Africa. The book addresses the ongoing social, economic and political crises caused by colonialism in Africa. The authors end by considering the future prospects and challenges for anarchism in Africa. Published in 1997, the book maintains its relevance today. African Anarchism is available in hard copy from the publishers See Sharp Press, and online.
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1998: Carta de Barry Horne durante su última huelga de hambre


Nota de la redacción: Sigue un escrito de Barry Horne, un antiespecista arrestado en julio de 1996 mientras instalaba artefactos incendiarios cronometrados en varios locales de Bristol, Inglaterra. Posteriormente, sería implicado en varios ataques producidos el año anterior en la Isla de Wight, que causaron millones de libras en daños a empresas dedicadas a la vivisección.
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Limites du Mouvementisme (2006)


Un Gérard

Limites du mouvementisme

Les assemblées dans le bordel anti-CPE de 2006 à Paris

On entend parfois les vieux militants autonomes conter nostalgiques la gloire des «mouvements» passés. Sans remonter plus loin, il y a eu des époques fastes comme la fin des années 90 (CIP en 1994, grèves de décembre 1995, mouvement des sans-papiers de 1996-97, mouvement des chômeurs fin 1997-début 1998) puis le creux pratiquement jusqu’à la mobilisation lycéenne de 2005, suivie des émeutes de novembre et du mouvement anti-CPE cette année (passons sur les journées syndicales contre la réforme des retraites de 2003).
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A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain

A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain1

GRAPO members arrested in 2007

The First of October Anti-fascist Resistance Groups (GRAPO) were formed in the summer of 1975. At that time twenty members of the Communist Party of Spain (reconstituted) -PCE(r)-, underground party formed five months before, carried out their first armed action against the fascist security forces. On 2nd August 1975 a couple of Civil Guard members (a repressive military police force) were shot in the centre of Madrid. One of them was dead and another one seriously injured. It was the first strike back of GRAPO against the wave of fascist-inspired terror known as the summer of terror.
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K-BUTT. Välzische Pfolkszeitung. Kaiserslautern


Von 1991 bis 1998 erschienen 17 Ausgaben und eine Sondernummer der Välzischen Pfolxzeitung “K-Butt”. Die linke Stadtzeitung aus Kaiserslautern wurde bis Nummer 3/1992 im A4-, ab Nummer 4/1993 im A3-Format herausgegeben. Die Titelcover und die Inhaltsverzeichnisse sind nachfolgend dokumentiert. Die Zeitung ist in folgenden Archiven und Bibliotheken (teilweise) vorhanden.
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Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights


This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.
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The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)


What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.
Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
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