Tag Archives: 2001

Against Mass Society

Chris Wilson (2001)

Many people desire an existence free of coercive authority, where all are at liberty to shape their own lives as they choose for the sake of their own personal needs, values, and desires. For such freedom to be possible, no individual person can extend his or her sphere of control upon the lives of others without their choosing. Many who challenge oppression in the modern world strive toward their conception of a “free society” by attempting to merely reform the most powerful and coercive institutions of today, or to replace them with “directly democratic” governments, community-controlled municipalities, worker-owned industrial federations, etc. Those who prioritize the values of personal autonomy or wild existence have reason to oppose and reject all large-scale organizations and societies on the grounds that they necessitate imperialism, slavery and hierarchy, regardless of the purposes they may be designed for.

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GREEN ANARCHY Magazine (n.6 to n. 25)


An Anti-Civilization Journal of Theory & Action.

Issues listed are the issues which we have PDF’s of or have copies of to create PDF’s of. If you have PDFs of issues that are not listed, please email them to: AgainstLeviathan@gmail.com .

For physical copies of Green Anarchy, please go to the Green Anarchy website to order back issues or to subscribe to it.

–GA Issue 6  (summer 2001)
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The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)


What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.
Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
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Δύναμη και αλληλεγγύη σε όλους του απεργούς πείνας

Δύναμη και αλληλεγγύη σε όλους του απεργούς πείνας

Απεργία πείνας από 2/3 διεκδικώντας:

Την κατάργηση του Α΄ «αντιτρομοκρατικού» νόμου του 2001, του άρθρου 187
Την κατάργηση του Β΄ «αντιτρομοκρατικού» νόμου του 2004, του άρθρου 187Α
Την κατάργηση του κουκουλονόμου
Την κατάργηση του νόμου για τις φυλακές τύπου Γ
Την απελευθέρωση του καταδικασμένου για την 17Ν Σάββα Ξηρού για λόγους υγείας.
Την άμεση απελευθέρωση των συγγενών των μελών της Σ.Π.Φ.


Anti-fascist movement in Nis (Serbia)


Although our group exists for four years already, ANTIFA Niš is still an informal, grassroot and self-organized group, which is the politics we do not plan to abandon no matter how this fact can actually slow us down. It is only under these conditions do we consider our struggle sincere and true. One will certainly agree that especially nowadays “antifascism” and “antifascist” are labels used by all kinds of individuals, groups and organizations, which for us is a big problem, as we believe antifascism should in no way be separated from the class struggle. Every important issue for our group is planned, developed or discussed on the meetings which we try to hold regularly once a week.
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When Non-Violence is Suicide – en/es


Theodore Kaczynski (2001)

It’s the autumn of 2025 AD. The technoindustrial system fell apart a year ago, but you and your friends are doing alright. Your garden has flourished this past summer and in your cabin you have a good supply of dried vegetables, dried beans and other foodstuffs to get you through the coming winter. Just now you’re harvesting your potatoes. With your spades, you and your friends uproot one potato after another and pick the plump tubers out of the soil.
Continue reading When Non-Violence is Suicide – en/es

Comunicado clandestino de tres presos C. P. Arles Noviembre 2001.



Antes de leer el siguiente comunicado, tenemos que especificar que si nos presentamos ante vosotros con la cara tapada, es para evitar toda personalización de la acción en curso.

Somos tres presos de “larga condena” entre otros más. El mensaje que llevamos es el de miles de hombres y mujeres sin voz, encerrados en las cárceles de Francia.
Continue reading Comunicado clandestino de tres presos C. P. Arles Noviembre 2001.

Marcos Loves Modernization

machorka nnnnnn

Ted Kaczynski

I see from Green Anarchy No.6, page 7, that Jesús Sepúlveda says the Zapatistas are resisting modernization. If that’s true, then they had better get rid of Subcomandante Marcos, ¡muy pronto! The good Subcomandante is no opponent of modernization. Here are some quotes from a speech that he gave during the Zapatistas’ recent march on Mexico City:

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