Green Anarchy (sottotitolo: Il giornale della teoria e dell’azione dell’Anticiviltà), fondato nell’estate del 2000 da alcuni degli ideatori della rivista britannica Green Anarchist, è un periodico pubblicato tre volte l’anno dal collettivo di Eugene (Oregon-USA-) che affronta tematiche quali l’anarchismo, l’ecologismo radicale, l’anarco-primitivismo, la resistenza indigena, la liberazione animale e della terra, l’anticapitalismo, il sostegno ai prigionieri politici ecc.
Tag Archives: 2005
GREEN ANARCHY Magazine – (n.25 to n.6 ) 2001-2008
Alexander Hardt zu Haftstrafe verurteilt
(Alexander Hardt (mittig am Transparent) 2005 zusammen mit dem “NSU” auf einem Gedenkmarsch für den Hitler-Stellvertreter Rudolf Hess im dänischen Kolding)
Der Neonazi Alexander Hardt, Betreiber des Versands “Polenschlüssel” in Kiel und Mitglied der “Bandidos” in seiner Heimatstadt Neumünster, wurde wegen verschiedener Vergehen zu einer Haftstrafe von einem Jahr verurteilt. In der ersten Instanz hatte das Urteil noch auf 13 Monate Haft gelautet.
Mehr Informationen zu dem Prozess gibt es beim SHZ , auf der Website von Angelika Beer (Piratenpartei) und in einer Pressemitteilung der Piratenfraktion im Kieler Landtag.
Über die Hintergründe von Alexander Hardts Geschäft haben wir hier und hier berichtet und seine “Blood and Honour”-Beziehungen ebenfalls in zwei Artikeln (1 , 2 ) dargestellt.
Außerdem richtet sich eine aktuelle antifaschistische Kampagne in Schleswig-Holstein gegen u.a. Hardts Geschäft.
Open Letter From Jeffrey Luers (& other texts + interview)
The radical environmental movement along with the animal liberation struggle has often stood on the fringes of social justice movements. There was a time not to long ago when these struggles were dismissed by the larger left leaning social justice movement as non-essential. I went to prison at such a time.
Continue reading Open Letter From Jeffrey Luers (& other texts + interview)
:: Hechas las Debidas Excepciones….
Critica della scienza e movimenti
Rob los Ricos Against The New World Order (Januray 1, 2005)
The death of Carlo Guiliani during the protests against the G8 summit in Genoa shocked many people in the First world. Carlo was assassinated by the militarized police forces of the New World Order, whose outright fascist nature was made clear when Guiliani’s arrested comrades were forced to pay homage to Il Duce in words and song by the Italian security forces.
Continue reading Rob los Ricos Against The New World Order (Januray 1, 2005)
The Unwanted Children of Capital (Elephant Editions)
To the immigrants
The borders of democracy,
Immigrant murdered, comrades in jail
For those who didn’t run for cover
Collusion between the Church, the State and the Mafia
The struggle against Regina Pacis
Solidarity actions and events
Revolts in Turin, Milan and Bologna
Destroy borders! Destroy slavery!
Destroy all borders and prisons!
Belgium: solidarity against all borders
Greece: Hands off the Immigrants!
Continue reading The Unwanted Children of Capital (Elephant Editions)
636 SE 11th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97214
“Green Scare” Defendants
The term “Green Scare,” alluding to the Red Scare of the 1940s and ’50s, refers to legal and extralegal actions taken by the U.S. government against environmental and animal rights activists. Like the Red Scare, the Green Scare uses new laws and new arms of the state to harshly punish a few individuals in order to repress an entire movement.