Category Archives: EN

[Poster] Prisons in revolt, neighbourhoods in tension, the exploited are angry – let’s ATTACK on all fronts


Prisons in revolt, neighbourhoods in tension, the exploited are angry –
“Locked up like rats. The hygiene is deplorable, it stinks in the cells.” Since the beginning of the strike of the guards, which has lasted 13 days, the prisoners have not been out of their cells.
“No showers, no yard, no visits, no activities, sometimes not even food or medicine. There are some who fall ill, who get infections, who go crazy. Buried alive, 24 out of 24, left to rot.”

Continue reading [Poster] Prisons in revolt, neighbourhoods in tension, the exploited are angry – let’s ATTACK on all fronts

Finland: Updates about the prisoners in Pyhäjoki & their treatment by the police


13.05.16: Reclaim the Cape -action week took place in Pyhäjoki 22.4.-1.5.2016 and dozens of people where detained by the police. 11 activists were arrested. Five of them were released in few days after the detention. After this, still six activists were kept in remand prison. One activist still remain in prison.
Continue reading Finland: Updates about the prisoners in Pyhäjoki & their treatment by the police

3rd Annual Rebel! Rebuild! Rewild! Action – June 1-5, 2016


Dear comrades, Earth-loving radicals, and curious strangers,

We are pleased to invite you all to the third annual Rebel! Rebuild! Rewild! Action Camp, which will be held on Anishnabe territory from June 1-5, just North of Ottawa. Our goal is simple – to bring people together in the spirit of revolutionary ecology, in the hopes that this will strengthen the radical movement in our bioregion.

You can call us environmentalists if you want, but our environmentalism isn’t about preserving this system.
Continue reading 3rd Annual Rebel! Rebuild! Rewild! Action – June 1-5, 2016

Rat Attack’s zine !


Nous avons décider de faire un zine disponible en anglais et en francais autour de Rat Attack, avec des informations pratiques et des textes de théorie autour de l’évènement.

Certains de ces textes ont étés écrits par le crew de Rat Attack, d’autres par des camarades. En les diffusants nous ne faisons que tenter de pousser à la réfléxion, de creer un environnement propice à un questionnement approfondi de nos pratiques et de ce qui nous entoure et nous permet de donner un aperçu trop bref de idées autour de ce rassemblement et de ce qui pourra y être abordé.

Zine: English version

Zine: version francaise

Appel à un chantier collectif ! – Callout for a collective works !

appelcoul     calloutcoul

Pour les rencontres, on va avoir besoin d’ouvrir et d’amenager un batiment. On apelle donc à un chantier collectif dés le 14 juillet (haha) pour pouvoir travailler ensemble sur ce lieu et préparer les rencontres. On a besoin d’aide. En plus de la nécessité de bosser sur ce lieu à plusieurs, ce temps peut être un temps de rencontre privilégiées, pour avoir des discussions au calme, pour creer des liens nouveaux, discuter de nos luttes et planter des clous.

On donnera l’adresse et autres détails quelques semaines avant
We need youuu

for the gathering, we will need to open a building. We therefore call for collective works from the 14th of july to start working on the building together and prepare the gathering. We need help. On top of it, it will be a possibility to meet together, having chill discussions, create links, talk about our struggles and hammer nails.

We will give the adress and more details a few weeks before, stay tuned
We need you



2016 Zine Catalog is Up and Ready!


We send zines to prisoners throughout the state of Oregon. Below you will find our most current catalog along with links to all associated zines. If you know a prisoner who would like to receive a catalog have them write to us at

Portland ABC
109 SE Alder st.
unit #0717
Portland Oregon 97214

New Zine Catalog Print

New Zine Catalog Read

you can find links to all of our zines in the catalog here

Call out for AntiFrontex Days Evrywhere! 21-23 May 2016 | Apel o Dni AntyFronteksowe Wszędzie 21-23 maja 2016


AntiFrontex 21-23.05.2016

This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, the Frontex.       Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both sides. Borders do not only work outwards. Their tightening causes increasing limitation of people’s rights and freedom also here, in Europe. Shifting the “problem” of migration onto countries such as Turkey, ignoring the death of thousands in the Mediterranean, imprisonment of those seeking help and better life in Europe, are directly linked to preserving capitalism as a system, in its most bloodthirsty variant.
Continue reading Call out for AntiFrontex Days Evrywhere! 21-23 May 2016 | Apel o Dni AntyFronteksowe Wszędzie 21-23 maja 2016

P.I.C., Inc.


An excerpt from a letter from Sean:

Prisons are definitely operating wrong and are creating greater social problems than what they purport to “solve”. But the fact is, the justice and prison systems are not operating to address crime and criminality. Prisons serve racial, economic, and political motives, and the prisons do so quite well. So, any effort to reform the prisons must be based on the false premise that prisons “aren’t working,” when in fact, they are working perfectly. They are keeping minority populations from booming, they are working as a relief valve on the unemployment rate; they are keeping the rabble-rousers off the campuses and out of the factories and tilting the political spectrum to the right.
Continue reading P.I.C., Inc.

Updates about the prisoners in Pyhäjoki and their treatment by the police


Reclaim the Cape -action week took place in Pyhäjoki 22.4.-1.5.2016 and dozens of people where detained by the police. 11 activists were arrested. Five of them were released in few days after the detention. After this, still six activists were kept in remand prison. One activist still remain in prison.
Continue reading Updates about the prisoners in Pyhäjoki and their treatment by the police